Forum Discussion
Apr 11, 2022Copper Contributor
Image load issue in adaptive card in teams
I have an adaptive card which is being opened in the task module by the bot in Teams app. The images are of size 15-25kb, but still these images are loaded lazily. This is hindering user experience ...
Apr 12, 2022TonyStark645 - Could you please share your adaptive card payload and images?
Apr 12, 2022Copper Contributor
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- Nivedipa-MSFTApr 13, 2022
TonyStark645 - We are checking this internally. We will update you soon.- TonyStark645Apr 19, 2022Copper ContributorAny updates Nivedipa-MSFT
- Nivedipa-MSFTApr 20, 2022
TonyStark645 - We have checked with our images. But it was working fine at our end. The images are not loaded lazily.
Could you please share your images in zip folder to check at our end?