Forum Discussion
Feb 13, 2024Copper Contributor
MS teams calling bot fails with internal server error
Hi there,
I'm attempting to get a calling bot running locally by following this repo/guide:
I've got the bot running locally but when I send a Postman request, I get the following error:
ScenarioId: {
"oldResource": {
"@odata.type": "",
"state": "establishing",
"direction": "outgoing",
"callbackUri": "",
"callRoutes": [],
"source": {
"@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.participantInfo",
"identity": {
"@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.identitySet",
"application": {
"@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.identity",
"displayName": "RecordingBot.Services",
"id": "e9a3211c-7fe5-499c-ac09-daf37aa858fc"
"acsUser": null,
"spoolUser": null,
"phone": null,
"guest": null,
"encrypted": null,
"onPremises": null,
"acsApplicationInstance": null,
"spoolApplicationInstance": null,
"applicationInstance": null
"participantId": null
"targets": [],
"requestedModalities": [
"mediaConfig": {
"@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.appHostedMediaConfig",
"blob": "{\"mpUri\":\"net.tcp://\",\"audioRenderContexts\":[\"b72e0949-7228-489f-bb49-966b26deb2a1\"],\"videoRender
"chatInfo": {
"@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.chatInfo",
"threadId": "19:meeting_M2JmYjRhYzMtZDZlZi00M2UyLTk4YzEtMzlhOGY4OWE3MjY1@thread.v2",
"messageId": "0"
"callOptions": {
"@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.outgoingCallOptions",
"isContentSharingNotificationEnabled": null,
"isWatermarkSupported": null,
"hideBotAfterEscalation": null,
"allowGuestToBypassLobby": null
"meetingInfo": {
"@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.organizerMeetingInfo",
"organizer": {
"@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.identitySet",
"user": {
"@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.identity",
"id": "f353f265-2c71-41c1-9537-9df59b7f2965",
"tenantId": "<omitted>"
"tenantId": "<omitted>",
"myParticipantId": "2fd4cc44-e7cf-4acd-8b1a-42d05515d207",
"callChainId": "e6c9c043-85e6-4d4f-ad16-b522e9f18156",
"id": "671f6100-cd61-4ab4-9fff-4ce505a65789"
"newResource": {
"@odata.type": "",
"state": "terminated",
"resultInfo": {
"@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.resultInfo",
"code": 500,
"subcode": 3003,
"message": "Server Internal Error. DiagCode: 500#3003.@"
"chatInfo": {
"@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.chatInfo",
"threadId": "19:meeting_M2JmYjRhYzMtZDZlZi00M2UyLTk4YzEtMzlhOGY4OWE3MjY1@thread.v2",
"messageId": "0"
"meetingInfo": {
"@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.organizerMeetingInfo",
"organizer": {
"@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.identitySet",
"user": {
"@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.identity",
"id": "f353f265-2c71-41c1-9537-9df59b7f2965",
"tenantId": "<omitted>"
"tenantId": "<omitted>",
"callChainId": "e6c9c043-85e6-4d4f-ad16-b522e9f18156",
"id": "671f6100-cd61-4ab4-9fff-4ce505a65789"
"resourcePath": "communications/calls/671f6100-cd61-4ab4-9fff-4ce505a65789",
"additionalData": {
"scenario-Id": "4a1d92d3-b494-4b32-b35c-deec227fa47c",
"x-Forwarded-For": "",
"x-Forwarded-Host": "",
"x-Forwarded-Proto": "https",
"x-Microsoft-Skype-Chain-Id": "e6c9c043-85e6-4d4f-ad16-b522e9f18156",
"x-Microsoft-Skype-Message-Id": "ab717a35-7f75-4876-b3b6-f0c60e6e66dc",
"accept": "application/json",
"accept-Encoding": "gzip",
"authorization": "Bearer <omitted>",
"host": "localhost:9441",
"user-Agent": "Microsoft-Skype/3.0,(Calling/1.0)",
"content-Length": "973",
"content-Type": "application/json",
"callbackUri": "https://localhost:9441/0/api/calling/notification"
Does anyone know where this might be failing?
- Prasad_Das-MSFT
alimak -
"Server Internal Error" with a "DiagCode: 500#3003" indicates that there is an issue on the server side.
Check the server logs: Look for any error messages or exceptions in the server logs.
Validate the request payload: Ensure that the request payload sent from Postman is valid and follows the expected format. Double-check the JSON structure and make sure all required fields are included.
Verify the callback URL: Confirm that the callback URL specified in the request payload is correct and accessible. In your case, the callback URL is "". Make sure that the ngrok tunnel is active and the URL is accessible from the server.
Check the network connectivity: Ensure that there are no network connectivity issues between the server and the calling service. You can try pinging the calling service URL from the server to check if there are any connectivity problems.
Prasad Das
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