Forum Discussion

GPhbt's avatar
Copper Contributor
Mar 04, 2025

Need help intercepting outgoing messages and accessing chat history in Teams bot (python)

Hi everyone,

I’m relatively new to programming and have been experimenting with the Teams AI Library in Python. I’ve created a basic bot application using the Teams Toolkit with the Custom Engine Agent template. So far, so good, but I’m stuck on two specific tasks and would appreciate some guidance.

Here’s what I’m trying to achieve:

  • Intercept outgoing messages before they are sent: I’d like to capture and potentially modify messages just before they are sent out by the bot.
  • Access the conversation history: I want to retrieve the chat history for the current conversation.

I’m wondering if there’s a simple way to do this without overhauling the existing logic. Specifically:

Can I use a decorator in to intercept outgoing messages without disrupting the rest of the bot’s functionality?

Is there an even simpler solution that I might be missing?

TL;DR: New to programming, using Teams AI Library in Python with a basic bot. Need to:

  1. Intercept outgoing messages before they’re sent.
  2. Access conversation history.
    Is a decorator in the way to go, or is there a simpler solution? Thanks! Looking forward to your suggestions!
  • To achieve the tasks you're aiming for using the Teams AI Library in Python, you can indeed use decorators and built-in functionalities to intercept outgoing messages and access conversation history. 

    1. To intercept outgoing messages, you can create a decorator to wrap the send_activity method. This decorator can modify the message before it is sent.

    Example Code:

    from botbuilder.core import TurnContext, ActivityHandler
    from botbuilder.schema import Activity
    # Decorator to intercept and modify outgoing messages
    def intercept_outgoing_messages(func):
        async def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
            context = args[1]
            if isinstance(context, TurnContext):
                for activity in context.activities:
                    if activity.type == 'message':
                        # Modify the message here
                        activity.text = f"Modified: {activity.text}"
            return await func(*args, **kwargs)
        return wrapper
    class MyBot(ActivityHandler):
        async def send_activity(self, turn_context: TurnContext, activity: Activity):
            await turn_context.send_activity(activity)
    # Usage example
    async def on_message_activity(turn_context: TurnContext):
        my_bot = MyBot()
        await my_bot.send_activity(turn_context, turn_context.activity)


    2.To access the conversation history, you can use the TurnContext to retrieve previous messages. You can store messages in a state property and retrieve them as needed.

    Example Code:

    from botbuilder.core import TurnContext, ConversationState, MemoryStorage, ActivityHandler
    from botbuilder.core.adapters import BotFrameworkAdapter
    from botbuilder.schema import Activity
    # Initialize memory storage and conversation state
    memory_storage = MemoryStorage()
    conversation_state = ConversationState(memory_storage)
    class MyBot(ActivityHandler):
        def __init__(self, conversation_state: ConversationState):
            self.conversation_state = conversation_state
            self.conversation_data_accessor = conversation_state.create_property("ConversationData")
        async def on_message_activity(self, turn_context: TurnContext):
            # Retrieve conversation history
            conversation_data = await self.conversation_data_accessor.get(turn_context, {})
            if "history" not in conversation_data:
                conversation_data["history"] = []
            # Add current message to history
            # Save updated conversation data
            await self.conversation_data_accessor.set(turn_context, conversation_data)
            await self.conversation_state.save_changes(turn_context)
            # Send a response
            await turn_context.send_activity(f"Message received: {turn_context.activity.text}")
        async def get_conversation_history(self, turn_context: TurnContext):
            conversation_data = await self.conversation_data_accessor.get(turn_context, {})
            return conversation_data.get("history", [])
    # Usage example
    async def on_message_activity(turn_context: TurnContext):
        my_bot = MyBot(conversation_state)
        await my_bot.on_message_activity(turn_context)
        history = await my_bot.get_conversation_history(turn_context)
        print(f"Conversation history: {history}")
    # Initialize adapter and run the bot
    adapter = BotFrameworkAdapter()

    Reference Document-
    1.Core Capabilities of Teams AI Library - Teams | Microsoft Learn
    2.Create a Teams AI Bot with RAG - Teams | Microsoft Learn
    3.Build a basic AI Chatbot in Teams - Teams | Microsoft Learn


    • GPhbt's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      Thank you Sayali-MSFT !


      Isn't the code you provided using the old framework? Whereas mine creates the class like this:


      bot_app = Application[TurnState](
              ai=AIOptions(planner=planner, enable_feedback_loop=True),

      Since I’m not very experienced in programming, besides the documentation, do you have any other sources where I can learn about it? Maybe a Microsoft course?

  • Thank you for your inquiry about your Teams app development issue!

    We are checking the issue. We will get back to you shortly.
