Forum Discussion

Amanda_H_ASinc's avatar
Brass Contributor
Aug 17, 2021

Flagged email opens in web app

Hello! Is there a way to get the flagged emails to open in the desktop app vs opening via the web app? The web app I have not found a way to mark flagged items as "done" vs just unflagging them. Also I've noticed that when I mark something as "Done" in my outlook and it changes the flag it doesn't update the to do. Is there something I'm missing here?

    • David_Vawter's avatar
      Copper Contributor
      Currently the only way for this feature to function perfectly, is for you to access ToDo from within Outlook. Look on the left toolbar where you choose Email, Calendar, Contacts etc. You should see the blue check mark. If you access ToDo this way, it's fully integrated into outlook.
      If you open the ToDo app separate from Outlook, then it tries to connect to the web versin of outlook, and depending on many factors (latency, proxies, firewalls) you will have mixed results.

      Maybe not the answer you were looking for, but it's a viable workaround until Microsoft allows you to connect back to outlook desktop from ToDo Desktop.
  • A_n_d_r_z_e_j's avatar
    Copper Contributor
    It is very annoying that mark as done in To Do is not updating task flag in outlook and vice versa.
    Please fix it.
