Forum Discussion

LemRoman's avatar
Copper Contributor
Nov 21, 2023

Show all tasks together

With the former task function in outlook it was possible to see all task together in one list and filter them, also they were in different folders and list.    If I have different list or groups in...
  • LeonPavesic's avatar
    Nov 28, 2023

    Hi LemRoman,

    you can view all your tasks in Microsoft To Do, even if they are spread across different lists or groups.

    One way to do this is by enabling the "All" option in the Smart lists section of the To Do Settings. This will generate an "All" list consolidating tasks from all your lists:

    1. Go to settings (gear symbol) > "To Do Settings" > Scroll down to "Smart lists"

    2. Then enable "All"

    In your To Do Lists view an "All" list will appear, with all tasks in it.


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    Kindest regards,

    Leon Pavesic
