Forum Discussion

Jill_McC's avatar
Copper Contributor
Jan 10, 2024

Clock App (Windows 10) not able to see My Day Task List

I can only select "Tasks" or "Flagged Emails". Why is "My Day" not an option?

  • kstewart's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Have been trying to find a fix for this as well because it massively reduces how useful the focus window actually is. It seems so obvious that the My Day list would be the main one that's pulled through, but I can't even select it to add the tasks to the session. Super annoying! I use Planner primarily, so don't use the local lists in To Do since they don't connect back into Planner. 

    You would think all the different Tasks/Planner/To Do would be fully interconnected and that the clock focus would be able to pull from any of them. 

  • SLarson1's avatar
    Copper Contributor
    This is exactly why I came here as well. My Day is the main list that would be used for Focus Sessions, along with Planned, Important... well, all the Smart Lists. Those Smart Lists are the *exact* reason I use To Do instead of other planning apps despite To Do's many flaws. I have bad ADHD and get extremely overwhelmed by my huge, ever-growing to do lists. The smart filters are incredibly helpful to keep me focused on what's most important/urgent. The Focus Sessions are a *great* idea to help me work through my day's to do list one task at a time, but it's been implemented so poorly that in reality it's just a cluttered timer. The To Do tasks in Focus Sessions should default to My Day or have the option to choose a default list. Once you've started the Focus timer, the task(s) you've selected for the session should be VERY LARGE and PROMINENT above the timer so I can easily remind myself what it is I'm trying to focus on! Spotify is a cool idea for it, but I should be able to search and pin playlists in the widget (because its suggestions are always terrible), but even more importantly, it needs an option to *not* stop my music when the timer rings - it completely breaks my concentration and flow that I had going, which is incredibly hard for me to get back, hence why I'm using the timer in the first place! I LOVE the To Do app, and it along with Focus Sessions could be a God-send for ADHD sufferers! But both are very unfinished. With how vastly different all the To Do apps/integrations are (app, phone, online, Outlook, New Outlook, Teams, New Teams, etc.), I can only assume that whoever is working on it all suffers from massive ADHD as well (which explains why it has the functionality it has and why it's been half-done for years). XD
  • KatyB425's avatar
    Copper Contributor
    I came to this forum with exactly this question. I would really like to see "My Day" in the clock app so that I can do focus sessions based on my plan for the day.
