Forum Discussion

Jowat's avatar
Copper Contributor
Aug 08, 2021

Sync Microsoft todo with onenote

I would like to sync Microsoft todo with onenote. Can you help?

  • ThinkPatelV's avatar
    Brass Contributor
    Since your tasks are stored on Exchange Online servers, they'll also sync automatically to your Outlook Tasks.
    One of Microsoft To Do’s features is an integration with Outlook Tasks. To view your To Do tasks on your Outlook Desktop client or on, use the same Microsoft account to sign in to both Microsoft To Do and Outlook. All tasks are stored on Exchange Online servers, so they'll be shown in both Microsoft To Do and Outlook Tasks automatically.

    Microsoft To Do doesn’t yet support all the varied features of Outlook Tasks. While data you enter in additional details in Outlook Tasks will be stored safely on the servers, it won't be displayed in To Do. Specifically, Microsoft To Do doesn't currently support the start and end dates, task status, task completion percentage, multiple priority levels, task work hours, task colors, or categories that are available in Outlook Tasks.

    Alternative to Pleexy
    • SantiJFS's avatar
      Copper Contributor
      Jowat @ThinkPatelIV
      Instead of creating a "To Do Tag" on OneNote you can create an Outlook Task (i.e. red flag icon) (to the right of the "To Do Tag" button) on the Home tab as mentioned above. This will sync that Outlook Task and show up under "Tasks" both in Outlook and the ToDo app. For me, once I have the Outlook Task in the "Tasks" section under the ToDo app, I just click and drag that task to my custom List I want that task to go under.
      A link to where that Outlook Task originated within OneNote is generated and can be clicked on the ToDo app. This will take you directly to where the task is in OneNote.

      Here is an article for creating this Outlook Task within OneNote:
      • FIJOMAN1's avatar
        Copper Contributor
        there is problem with outlook task, if you change list in "to do" it will lose the link
  • ThinkPatelV's avatar
    Brass Contributor
    Another option,
    On the go taking notes and plan projects in OneNote, wondering how to manage deadlines and remember the things on your to-do list.
    Then it is outlook, one way to create outlook task, ​Then you can view and track those tasks in Outlook and even get reminders.

    Create an Outlook task in OneNote
    In OneNote, select the words that you want to be your task.

    In the menu that appears, click the arrow next to the Outlook Tasks button and choose a reminder.

    A flag appears next to your task in OneNote and your task is added to Outlook.

    Reference:- ""
  • ThinkPatelV's avatar
    Brass Contributor


    Integrate OneNote with Microsoft To Do Easily with Pleexy. It's free, resource available online visit their page link is mentioned in the video...

    Here's a video that  instructs about change in setting's within onenote - To do integration, task 

    Video link ""

    That idea grasp my attention and reminds me about getting more done with the Google Tasks mobile app and it's capabilitie of integration with out Google apps like Google calendar, although one can also Manage capture and edit tasks from anywhere, at any time, with to-dos that sync across all of the devices.
