Forum Discussion

cdempsey-sonicules's avatar
Copper Contributor
Nov 30, 2023

Best way to retrieve a list of all VE Communities via an API?

I am trying to retrieve the list of all VE Communities (Public and Private) in a network via an API.


Based on the documentation here About the Yammer REST API - Yammer | Microsoft Learn 

I have used the exports endpoint Network Data Export - Yammer | Microsoft Learn

and I have found and been using an undocumented groups.json endpoint


What is the recommended way of achieving this goal via an API?



  • NicolasKheirallah's avatar
    Dec 09, 2023
    You are correct! I was looking at an old script I had! So you've probably already solved this, but I'll post how to do it if anyone else get's stuck

    So what you need to do is query group and then filter out creationOption, as you can't filter out only Yammer in a single query due to creationOption not being visable ๐Ÿ™‚

    This will return all groups and their creationOption:$filter=groupTypes/any(a:a eq 'unified')&$select=id,displayName,creationOptions,resourceProvisioningOptions&$top=999
