Forum Discussion

vaibhavsharma's avatar
Copper Contributor
Apr 05, 2021

Get Conversation Logs

Hi Guys I want to get conversation logs, Is there any functionality in health bot by which I can get current conversation logs so I can send that to user. 


Thanks in advance.



Adam Walker 

    • vaibhavsharma's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      Hi Adam Walker , thanks for quick response, but I am looking for the current conversation logs, is that possible to get current conversation logs, So I can send the transcript to their mail or wherever they want

      • Adam Walker's avatar
        Adam Walker
        Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft
        Hi, You will need to construct that conversation log in the logic of the bot. So store each question in response you will need to add a step that stores that text. Then use a data connection (API) to an email service to send it forward to the end user.
        Regards, Adam
