Forum Discussion
Mar 09, 2023Brass Contributor
Join Devices using a provisioning package (.ppkg) in Azure AD - how does it work in detail?
For a project, we are checking whether there is a way to join the devices into AAD using a provisioning package. When creating a project with the Windows Configuration Designer under "Account Management" is the task for "Enroll in Azure AD" and "Get Bulk Token".
Here are my questions about it:
- Which account do I normally used to register the token?
- Which rights and licenses must the account have?
- An enterprise app is being created, but I still must do something with the permissions?
- Something else needs to be done with the user that is created in AAD (package_)?
- Are there hurdles in sight regarding conditional access?
I ask myself the questions because I tried it and failed with the following message (from the event log of the client which I wanted to integrate into AAD)
Client: Windows 10 Pro 21H2, Windows 10 Enterprise 1909 (same Error)
ProvXML category 'DeviceAADJoin' failed with '0x80180014' at CSP node 'AADJ/BPRT'. Provisioning failed
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