Forum Discussion
Jul 25, 2017Upgrade proccess and language packs
Hi guys,
During servicing from a CB Built to another one you have to reinstall all the installed MUI language packs. It would be nice to have a TS step which is detecting all the currently installed LPs and servicing the new ones for the new CB build. Any plans for that in the pipeline?
- Dune Desormeaux
Hi folks,
Yes we are totally aware that the LP servicing story right now has some gaps. Closing these is on the roadmap but we don't have a public timeline for this just yet. We are working closely with Windows to make this better.
- Deleted
Thanks Dune for that. Specially Switzerland will appreciate that work. We have 4 languages by design :-)
- DeletedThats what we do also :-)
- SigurdWernerIron ContributorWe are running a PoSh script for detection and fill Task Sequence variables later used for triggering the installation, same for Features on demand (e.g. .Net 3.5)