Forum Discussion
Mar 16, 2022Copper Contributor
ADCS expiring certificates email alerting script
Hi Can someone please help me with a script that sends out email alerts when a security certificate is about to expire in ADCS ? I found a couple on googling but none seems to work properly. The...
- Mar 21, 2022
rtushar1400 Ok... Changed the script a little bit:
- Removed the write-host lines with the certificates found that would expire, date-time issue in formatting
- Changed the amount of days to 365 for testing
- Changed "$Certexpirydate = [datetime](Get-date $importall[$i].'Certificate Expiration Date' -Format $formatdata)" to "$Certexpirydate = [datetime](Get-date $importall[$i].'Certificate Expiration Date')" . Tried different formats for $formatdata but errors.
- $Mailbody gave me this HTML output, don't have a mailserver on my test VM but it gave me the output that I wanted so I guess you just need to test mailing now
The adjusted script, just change the mail and template variables and a correct amount of days (365 now) and test 🙂
#functions Function Send-CertificateList { #initialize email pre-reqs $FromAddress = 'Email address removed' $ToAddress = 'Email address removed' $MessageSubject = "Certificate expiration reminder from $env:COMPUTERNAME.$env:USERDNSDOMAIN" $SendingServer = '' $SmtpServerPort = "Port Number" #Test if SMTP server is responding if(Test-Connection -Cn $SendingServer -BufferSize 16 -Count 1 -ea 0 -quiet){ #Send email Send-MailMessage -From $FromAddress -To $ToAddress -Subject $MessageSubject -Body $mailbody -BodyAsHtml -SmtpServer $SendingServer -Port $SmtpServerPort }else{ #Error Handling write-host -object 'No connection to SMTP server. Failed to send email!' } } Function Send-Certificatemail { #initialize email pre-reqs $FromAddress = 'Email address removed' $CCAddress = 'Email address removed' $MessageSubject = "Certificate expiration reminder from $env:COMPUTERNAME.$env:USERDNSDOMAIN" $SendingServer = '' $SmtpServerPort = "Port Number" #Test if SMTP server is responding if(Test-Connection -Cn $SendingServer -BufferSize 16 -Count 1 -ea 0 -quiet){ #Send email Send-MailMessage -From $FromAddress -To $ToAddress -Cc $CCAddress -Subject $MessageSubject -Body $Emailbody -BodyAsHtml -SmtpServer $SendingServer -Port $SmtpServerPort }else{ #Error Handling write-host -object 'No connection to SMTP server. Failed to send email!' } } # -------------------------------------------------- #HTML Style $style = @' <style>body{font-family:`"Calibri`",`"sans-serif`"; font-size: 14px;} @font-face {font-family:`"Cambria Math`"; panose-1:2 4 5 3 5 4 6 3 2 4;} @font-face {font-family:Calibri; panose-1:2 15 5 2 2 2 4 3 2 4;} @font-face {font-family:Tahoma; panose-1:2 11 6 4 3 5 4 4 2 4;} table{border: 1px solid black; border-collapse:collapse; mso-table-lspace:0pt; mso-table-rspace:0pt;} th{border: 1px solid black; background: #dddddd; padding: 5px; } td{border: 1px solid black; padding: 5px; } .crtsn{font-weight: bold; color: blue; } .crtexp{font-weight: bold; color: red; } .crtcn{font-weight: bold; color: orange; } </style> '@ # -------------------------------------------------- #variables #filter template list $filterlist ="Copy of User","DomainController" #setup duration $duration = 365 #setup strDate with yyyyMMdd-HHmmss $strDate = get-date -format yyyyMMdd-HHmmss #create unique export file name $exportFileName = "certificates_" + $strDate + ".csv" #date of Now $now = (Get-Date) #date of Then $Then = (Get-Date).AddDays($duration) #empty mailbody $mailbody = "" #empty array initialization $table = @() # -------------------------------------------------- #variables #export certificates to CSV certutil.exe -view csv > $exportFileName #Import certificate info where Serial Number is not "empty" with various properties $importall = Import-Csv $exportFileName | Where-Object {$_.'Serial Number' -notcontains 'EMPTY'} | Select-Object -Property 'Request ID','Serial Number','Requester Name','Certificate Expiration Date','Certificate Template','Request Common Name','Request Disposition' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue #Run through each ObjectID to get the Certificate Template Name foreach ($OID in (get-catemplate).Oid) { #populate the field "Certificate Template" $importall | where-object "certificate template" -match $OID | foreach-object { #ensure whitespaces removed $_.'Certificate Template' = ($_.'Certificate Template').replace($OID+" ","") } } #filter only required certificates based on $filterlist $importall = $importall | where-object "certificate template" -in $filterlist #build email body $mailbody += '<html><head><meta http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=utf-8">' + $style + '</head><body>' $mailbody += "The certificate expiry details:<br />" #collect cultureinfo for short date and time pattern $cultureinfo = Get-Culture $formatdata = "$($cultureinfo.DateTimeFormat.ShortDatePattern) $($cultureinfo.DateTimeFormat.ShortTimePattern)" #mail body template $mailbody += '<p>' $mailbody += 'Hello Reader, '+"<br />" $mailbody += 'Please find below the list of certificaes Expiring in next ' + $duration + ' days' + "</span><br />" $mailbody += '</p>' #cycle through array and search for matching cetificates for($i=0;$i -lt $importall.Count;$i++) { #for each object, get the "certificate expirate date" and convert to [datetime] $Certexpirydate = [datetime](Get-date $importall[$i].'Certificate Expiration Date') #perform comparison If(($Certexpirydate -gt $now) -and ($Certexpirydate -le $then)) { #save info in table array $table += $importall[$i] | Sort-Object 'Certificate Expiration Date' | Select-Object -Property 'Request ID','Serial Number','Requester Name','Certificate Template','Certificate Expiration Date','Request Common Name','Issued Email Address' } } #mailbody html formatting $mailbody += '<p><table>' $mailbody += '<th>Request ID</th><th>Serial Number</th><th>Requester Name</th><th>Requested CN</th><th>Certificate Template</th><th>Expiration date</th>' #run through each row foreach($row in $table) { #create necessary row information $mailbody += "<tr><td>" + $row.'Request ID' + "</td><td>" + $row.'Serial Number' + "</td><td>" + $row.'Requester Name' + "</td><td>" + $row.'Request Common Name' + "</td><td>" + $row.'Certificate Template' + "</td><td>" + $row.'Certificate Expiration Date' + "</td></tr>" } #closing html tags $mailbody += '</table></p>' $mailbody += '</body>' $mailbody += '</html>' #if there are matching certificates found send email if($table.Count -gt '0') { #send email Send-CertificateList } #run through each row foreach($row in $table) { #if email address exist if($($row.'Issued Email Address') -like "*@*") { #populate to address and email body $ToAddress = $row.'Issued Email Address' $emailbody = "Hello Reader,<br> <br> The certificate requested by you is about to expire : <br> Details <br> -------------------- <br> $row <Br> <br> Thanks" #send mail Send-Certificatemail } }
Mar 21, 2022
farismalaeb What rtushar1400 wants is to scan his own CA for certificates that were provisioned from that to check expiration on them. You can use your method of course and enter all the fqdn's to be checked, but the script that rtushar1400 wants to use is scanning the whole CA for all certificates and do reporting on that. It's more dynamic like that, otherwise he has to be informed by every sysadmin if they enroll a certifcate on the CA.
Mar 21, 2022Copper Contributor
farismalaeb Hi, thanks for taking your time to share a nice script but as Harm_Veenstra said I wanna scan my whole CA to check expiration of the certificates and there are many certificates on it. We are here currently looking at a script that is not working or giving any results. Please feel free if you have any other suggestions, would really appreciate that.
Harm_Veenstra, coming to your question, I don't think there's any value getting stored in $table. There indeed gets a CSV file created on running the script containing the info of all the existing certificates on CA but it does not seems to be loading $table with the relevant certificates from the certificate templates I've been using which are getting expired in less than 30 days as per the condition. Is there a way for you to test the script on your end in your environment ?
Harm_Veenstra, coming to your question, I don't think there's any value getting stored in $table. There indeed gets a CSV file created on running the script containing the info of all the existing certificates on CA but it does not seems to be loading $table with the relevant certificates from the certificate templates I've been using which are getting expired in less than 30 days as per the condition. Is there a way for you to test the script on your end in your environment ?
- Mar 21, 2022
rtushar1400 Ok... Changed the script a little bit:
- Removed the write-host lines with the certificates found that would expire, date-time issue in formatting
- Changed the amount of days to 365 for testing
- Changed "$Certexpirydate = [datetime](Get-date $importall[$i].'Certificate Expiration Date' -Format $formatdata)" to "$Certexpirydate = [datetime](Get-date $importall[$i].'Certificate Expiration Date')" . Tried different formats for $formatdata but errors.
- $Mailbody gave me this HTML output, don't have a mailserver on my test VM but it gave me the output that I wanted so I guess you just need to test mailing now
The adjusted script, just change the mail and template variables and a correct amount of days (365 now) and test 🙂
#functions Function Send-CertificateList { #initialize email pre-reqs $FromAddress = 'Email address removed' $ToAddress = 'Email address removed' $MessageSubject = "Certificate expiration reminder from $env:COMPUTERNAME.$env:USERDNSDOMAIN" $SendingServer = '' $SmtpServerPort = "Port Number" #Test if SMTP server is responding if(Test-Connection -Cn $SendingServer -BufferSize 16 -Count 1 -ea 0 -quiet){ #Send email Send-MailMessage -From $FromAddress -To $ToAddress -Subject $MessageSubject -Body $mailbody -BodyAsHtml -SmtpServer $SendingServer -Port $SmtpServerPort }else{ #Error Handling write-host -object 'No connection to SMTP server. Failed to send email!' } } Function Send-Certificatemail { #initialize email pre-reqs $FromAddress = 'Email address removed' $CCAddress = 'Email address removed' $MessageSubject = "Certificate expiration reminder from $env:COMPUTERNAME.$env:USERDNSDOMAIN" $SendingServer = '' $SmtpServerPort = "Port Number" #Test if SMTP server is responding if(Test-Connection -Cn $SendingServer -BufferSize 16 -Count 1 -ea 0 -quiet){ #Send email Send-MailMessage -From $FromAddress -To $ToAddress -Cc $CCAddress -Subject $MessageSubject -Body $Emailbody -BodyAsHtml -SmtpServer $SendingServer -Port $SmtpServerPort }else{ #Error Handling write-host -object 'No connection to SMTP server. Failed to send email!' } } # -------------------------------------------------- #HTML Style $style = @' <style>body{font-family:`"Calibri`",`"sans-serif`"; font-size: 14px;} @font-face {font-family:`"Cambria Math`"; panose-1:2 4 5 3 5 4 6 3 2 4;} @font-face {font-family:Calibri; panose-1:2 15 5 2 2 2 4 3 2 4;} @font-face {font-family:Tahoma; panose-1:2 11 6 4 3 5 4 4 2 4;} table{border: 1px solid black; border-collapse:collapse; mso-table-lspace:0pt; mso-table-rspace:0pt;} th{border: 1px solid black; background: #dddddd; padding: 5px; } td{border: 1px solid black; padding: 5px; } .crtsn{font-weight: bold; color: blue; } .crtexp{font-weight: bold; color: red; } .crtcn{font-weight: bold; color: orange; } </style> '@ # -------------------------------------------------- #variables #filter template list $filterlist ="Copy of User","DomainController" #setup duration $duration = 365 #setup strDate with yyyyMMdd-HHmmss $strDate = get-date -format yyyyMMdd-HHmmss #create unique export file name $exportFileName = "certificates_" + $strDate + ".csv" #date of Now $now = (Get-Date) #date of Then $Then = (Get-Date).AddDays($duration) #empty mailbody $mailbody = "" #empty array initialization $table = @() # -------------------------------------------------- #variables #export certificates to CSV certutil.exe -view csv > $exportFileName #Import certificate info where Serial Number is not "empty" with various properties $importall = Import-Csv $exportFileName | Where-Object {$_.'Serial Number' -notcontains 'EMPTY'} | Select-Object -Property 'Request ID','Serial Number','Requester Name','Certificate Expiration Date','Certificate Template','Request Common Name','Request Disposition' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue #Run through each ObjectID to get the Certificate Template Name foreach ($OID in (get-catemplate).Oid) { #populate the field "Certificate Template" $importall | where-object "certificate template" -match $OID | foreach-object { #ensure whitespaces removed $_.'Certificate Template' = ($_.'Certificate Template').replace($OID+" ","") } } #filter only required certificates based on $filterlist $importall = $importall | where-object "certificate template" -in $filterlist #build email body $mailbody += '<html><head><meta http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=utf-8">' + $style + '</head><body>' $mailbody += "The certificate expiry details:<br />" #collect cultureinfo for short date and time pattern $cultureinfo = Get-Culture $formatdata = "$($cultureinfo.DateTimeFormat.ShortDatePattern) $($cultureinfo.DateTimeFormat.ShortTimePattern)" #mail body template $mailbody += '<p>' $mailbody += 'Hello Reader, '+"<br />" $mailbody += 'Please find below the list of certificaes Expiring in next ' + $duration + ' days' + "</span><br />" $mailbody += '</p>' #cycle through array and search for matching cetificates for($i=0;$i -lt $importall.Count;$i++) { #for each object, get the "certificate expirate date" and convert to [datetime] $Certexpirydate = [datetime](Get-date $importall[$i].'Certificate Expiration Date') #perform comparison If(($Certexpirydate -gt $now) -and ($Certexpirydate -le $then)) { #save info in table array $table += $importall[$i] | Sort-Object 'Certificate Expiration Date' | Select-Object -Property 'Request ID','Serial Number','Requester Name','Certificate Template','Certificate Expiration Date','Request Common Name','Issued Email Address' } } #mailbody html formatting $mailbody += '<p><table>' $mailbody += '<th>Request ID</th><th>Serial Number</th><th>Requester Name</th><th>Requested CN</th><th>Certificate Template</th><th>Expiration date</th>' #run through each row foreach($row in $table) { #create necessary row information $mailbody += "<tr><td>" + $row.'Request ID' + "</td><td>" + $row.'Serial Number' + "</td><td>" + $row.'Requester Name' + "</td><td>" + $row.'Request Common Name' + "</td><td>" + $row.'Certificate Template' + "</td><td>" + $row.'Certificate Expiration Date' + "</td></tr>" } #closing html tags $mailbody += '</table></p>' $mailbody += '</body>' $mailbody += '</html>' #if there are matching certificates found send email if($table.Count -gt '0') { #send email Send-CertificateList } #run through each row foreach($row in $table) { #if email address exist if($($row.'Issued Email Address') -like "*@*") { #populate to address and email body $ToAddress = $row.'Issued Email Address' $emailbody = "Hello Reader,<br> <br> The certificate requested by you is about to expire : <br> Details <br> -------------------- <br> $row <Br> <br> Thanks" #send mail Send-Certificatemail } }
- rtushar1400Mar 22, 2022Copper Contributor
Harm_Veenstra firstly, thank you very much for helping out so quickly but unfortunately, I am still getting nothing in my results. 😕
Getting no error either again. I guess it could be something with the email sending part ? Few days back I also tested some other script I got from the internet -
It ran successfully and also received an email from it but it wasn't showing any data with proper names and attributes in the email. That's why I chose the idea to go with the original first script as its much organized and dynamic. What I was thinking, can we use the other script's email sending part as maybe it have some attributes different that are working in my environment ? 😛
Please can you help solve this matter.
# ======================
# Sending Email Section
# ======================$strFrom = "<Sender>"
$strTo = "<Empfänger>"
$strSubject = "Cortado Certification Alert"
$strSMTPServer = "<Mail Server Addresse"
$objEmailMessage = New-Object
$objEmailMessage.From = ($strFrom)
$objEmailMessage.Subject = $strSubject
$objEmailMessage.IsBodyHTML = $true$objEmailMessage.Body = $mailbody
$objSMTP = New-Object Net.Mail.SmtpClient($strSMTPServer)
$objSMTP.Send($objEmailMessage)- Mar 22, 2022Ok, but after you run the script in VSCode or Powershell_ISE.. If you run $table or $mailbody, does it return something or not? If it doesn't, do you have the correct Template names specified and are the certificates in the range of the days you specified in the variables part?