Forum Discussion
Jul 14, 2022
Blogpost - Report on changed Active Directory groups using PowerShell
Wrote a blog post on how to monitor Active Directory admin groups and how to log/report changes on them. The script below monitors the groups you specify and emails them to an admin address if there are changes.
(More details here )
#Set Logs folder
$logs = 'c:\scripts\logs'
#Create Logs folder it it doesn't exist
if (-not (Test-Path -Path $logs -PathType Any)) {
New-Item -Path $logs -ItemType Directory | Out-Null
#Start Transcript logging to $logs\run.log
Start-Transcript -Path "$($logs)\run.log" -Append
#Configure groups to monitor
$admingroups = @(
"Account Operators",
"Backup Operators",
"Domain Admins",
"Enterprise Admins",
"Group Policy Creator Owners",
"Schema Admins",
"Server Operators"
#rename previous currentmembers.csv to previousmembers.csv and rename the old
#previousmembers.csv to one with a time-stamp for archiving
if (Test-Path -Path "$($logs)\previousmembers.csv" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {
#Set date format variable
$date = Get-Date -Format 'dd-MM-yyyy-HHMM'
Write-Host ("- Renaming previousmembers.csv to {0}_previousmembers.csv" -f $date) -ForegroundColor Green
Move-Item -Path "$($logs)\previousmembers.csv" -Destination "$($logs)\$($date)_previousmembers.csv" -Confirm:$false -Force:$true
if (Test-Path -Path "$($logs)\currentmembers.csv" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {
Write-Host ("- Renaming currentmembers.csv to previousmembers.csv") -ForegroundColor Green
Move-Item -Path "$($logs)\currentmembers.csv" -Destination "$($logs)\previousmembers.csv" -Confirm:$false -Force:$true
#Retrieve all direct members of the admingroups,
#store them in the members variable and output
#them to currentmembers.csv
$members = foreach ($admingroup in $admingroups) {
Write-Host ("- Checking {0}" -f $admingroup) -ForegroundColor Green
try {
$admingroupmembers = Get-ADGroupMember -Identity $admingroup -Recursive -ErrorAction Stop | Sort-Object SamAccountName
catch {
Write-Warning ("Members of {0} can't be retrieved, skipping..." -f $admingroup)
$admingroupmembers = $null
if ($null -ne $admingroupmembers) {
foreach ($admingroupmember in $admingroupmembers) {
Write-Host (" - Adding {0} to list" -f $admingroupmember.SamAccountName) -ForegroundColor Green
Group = $admingroup
Member = $admingroupmember.SamAccountName
#Save found members to currentmembers.csv and create previousmembers.csv if not present (First Run)
Write-Host ("- Exporting results to currentmembers.csv") -ForegroundColor Green
$members | export-csv -Path "$($logs)\currentmembers.csv" -NoTypeInformation -Encoding UTF8 -Delimiter ';'
if (-not (Test-Path "$($logs)\previousmembers.csv")) {
$members | export-csv -Path "$($logs)\previousmembers.csv" -NoTypeInformation -Encoding UTF8 -Delimiter ';'
#Compare currentmembers.csv to the #previousmembers.csv
$CurrentMembers = Import-Csv -Path "$($logs)\currentmembers.csv" -Delimiter ';'
$PreviousMembers = Import-Csv -Path "$($logs)\previousmembers.csv" -Delimiter ';'
Write-Host ("- Comparing current members to the previous members") -ForegroundColor Green
$compare = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $PreviousMembers -DifferenceObject $CurrentMembers -Property Group, Member
if ($null -ne $compare) {
$differencetotal = foreach ($change in $compare) {
if ($change.SideIndicator -match ">") {
$action = 'Added'
if ($change.SideIndicator -match "<") {
$action = 'Removed'
Date = $date
Group = $change.Group
Action = $action
Member = $change.Member
#Save output to file
$differencetotal | Sort-Object group | Out-File "$($logs)\$($date)_changes.txt"
#Send email with changes to admin email address
Write-Host ("- Emailing detected changes") -ForegroundColor Green
$body = Get-Content "$($logs)\$($date)_changes.txt" | Out-String
$options = @{
Body = $body
Erroraction = 'Stop'
From = 'email address removed for privacy reasons'
Priority = 'High'
Subject = "Admin group change detected"
SmtpServer = 'emailserver.domain.local'
To = 'email address removed for privacy reasons'
try {
Send-MailMessage @options
catch {
Write-Warning ("- Error sending email, please check the email options")
else {
Write-Host ("No changes detected") -ForegroundColor Green
- SchnittlauchSteel ContributorWould love to see this script github 🙂
- It's mentioned at the end of the blogpost 🙂 But here it is: