Forum Discussion
Jun 26, 2022
Blogpost - Starting Windows Sandbox with parameters
Wrote a blog post about how to start Windows Sandbox from a PowerShell function, below is the Start-Sandbox function that I made (Fore more details:
The script:
function Start-Sandbox {
[parameter(Mandatory = $false)][string]$MappedFolder,
[parameter(Mandatory = $false)][string]$MemoryInMB,
[parameter(Mandatory = $false)][string]$LogonCommand,
#Validate if $mappedfolder exists
if ($MappedFolder) {
if (Test-Path $MappedFolder -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {
Write-Host ("Specified {0} path exists, continuing..." -f $MappedFolder) -ForegroundColor Green
else {
Write-Host ("Specified {0} path doesn't exist, exiting..." -f $MappedFolder) -ForegroundColor Red
#Set Read-Only or Read-Write
if ($MappedFolderWriteAccess) {
$WriteAccess = 'false'
else {
$WriteAccess = 'true'
#Create .wsb config file
$wsb = @()
$wsblocation = "$($env:Temp)\sandbox.wsb"
$wsb += "<Configuration>"
if ($vGPUdisable) {
$wsb += "<VGpu>Disable</VGpu>"
if ($AudioInputDisable) {
$wsb += "<AudioInput>Disable</AudioInput>"
if ($ClipboardRedirectionDisable) {
$wsb += "<ClipboardRedirection>Disable</ClipboardRedirection>"
if ($MappedFolder) {
$wsb += "<MappedFolders>"
$wsb += "<MappedFolder>"
$wsb += "<HostFolder>$($MappedFolder)</HostFolder>"
$wsb += "<ReadOnly>$($WriteAccess)</ReadOnly>"
$wsb += "</MappedFolder>"
$wsb += "</MappedFolders>"
if ($null -ne $MemoryInMB) {
$wsb += "<MemoryInMB>$($MemoryInMB)</MemoryInMB>"
if ($MemoryInMB -le 2048) {
Write-Host "$($MemoryInMB) Mb(s) specified, Windows Sandbox will automatically allocate more if needed..." -ForegroundColor Yellow
if ($NetworkingDisable) {
$wsb += "<Networking>Disable</Networking>"
if ($LogonCommand) {
$wsb += "<LogonCommand>"
$wsb += "<Command>$($LogonCommand)</Command>"
$wsb += "</LogonCommand>"
if ($PrinterRedirectionEnable) {
$wsb += "<PrinterRedirection>Enable</PrinterRedirection>"
if ($ProtectedClientEnable) {
$wsb += "<ProtectedClient>Enable</ProtectedClient>"
if ($VideoInputEnable) {
$wsb += "<VideoInput>Enable</VideoInput>"
$wsb += "</Configuration>"
#Create sandbox .wsb file in $env:\temp and start Windows Sandbox using it
$wsb | Out-File $wsblocation -Force:$true
Write-Host ("Starting Sandbox...") -ForegroundColor Green
Invoke-Item $wsblocation
#Wait for Windows Sandbox to start and delete the sandbox config file
Start-Sleep -Seconds 5
Remove-Item -Force:$true -Confirm:$false -Path $wsblocation
Write-Host ("Done!") -ForegroundColor Green
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