Forum Discussion

Bob Joe's avatar
Bob Joe
Copper Contributor
Apr 17, 2017

Guest credentials for Windows trial VM

Hello, I have set up a virtual machine using the Windows 10 trial VM for Hyper-V (, preview 15.15). I would like to use Powershell Direct to run Powershell scripts on my VM. I believe I've successfully enabled PSRemoting. I enter the command "Enter-PSSession -VMName $VMname" on my host. I am then asked to enter the credentials of the guest machine. I tried searching in the installation instructions and learned that one can sign in as IEUser/Passw0rd! by default. However this doesn't seem to be a valid credential. I can't tell if there is a default credential, a credential is stored somewhere on the computer, or I need to make a credential. I would greatly appreciate your advice on the matter.


Thank you. 

  • Bob Joe's avatar
    Bob Joe
    Copper Contributor

    I managed to resolve the issue. I updated the hyper-v configuration for the vm from 5 to 8. I then used the credential "Host computer name"\IEUser  with password Passw0rd!.
