Forum Discussion

midiman810new's avatar
Brass Contributor
Oct 25, 2024

How can I return all AD Groups with a specific SID HISTORY value?

Hello how can I return all AD Groups with a specific SID HISTORY value? 


I have tried something like this 



Get-ADGroup -Filter * | where{$_.sidhistory -eq $SID} 

But it just returns blank. 




  • LainRobertson's avatar
    Silver Contributor



    Hi, Leon.


    There's two "issues" with your current command:


    1. You haven't specified that sIDHistory is included in the search results (only relevant in client-side filtering);
    2. You're performing client-side filtering rather than server-side.


    Because you have not specified that the siDHistory attribute is to be included in the results, your "where" clause (i.e. client-side filtering) has nothing to compare $SID to (i.e. $_.sidhistory is always $null), meaning your "$_.sidhistory -eq $SID" statement will always evaluate to $false.


    If you use server-side filtering, this is not an issue. Additionally, it will perform significantly faster than client-side filtering - depending on how large your Active Directory environment is.


    Try the following instead:


    $SID = "SID VALUE Here";
    Get-ADGroup -Filter { (siDHistory -eq $SID) };


    Note: In using server-side filtering, there's no need to specify siDHistory as an additional attribute to include in the query results via "-Properties siDHistory".



