Forum Discussion

Ajay_Kumar_Ghose's avatar
Brass Contributor
Jun 21, 2023

Need a PowerShell Script to add multiple users to Azure Ad using csv file.

Script that i have tried its showing the below error. And Unable to fix it. Myscript:- #Import-Module AzureAD #Already installed # Set the path to your CSV file $csvPath = "C:\Users\pathto\newus...
  • eliekarkafy's avatar
    Jun 21, 2023


    Step 1: Prepare the CSV File Create a CSV file with the necessary user information. The CSV file should contain columns with headers such as "Username," "FirstName," "LastName," "Password," and any additional attributes you want to include. Here's an example:




    Save the file as "users.csv" or any name you prefer.

    Step 2: Connect to Azure AD Open PowerShell and install the AzureAD module if you haven't already. Run the following command:


    Install-Module -Name AzureAD


    Then, connect to Azure AD using the following commands:


    Import-Module AzureAD


    This will prompt you to sign in to your Azure AD account.

    Step 3: Import and Create Users Now, import the CSV file and loop through each row to create users. Here's an example script:


    # Import CSV file
    $users = Import-Csv -Path "C:\Path\to\users.csv"

    # Loop through each row and create users
    foreach ($user in $users) {
    $username = $user.Username
    $firstName = $user.FirstName
    $lastName = $user.LastName
    $password = $user.Password

    # Create user
    $userParams = @{
    UserPrincipalName = $username + ''
    DisplayName = $firstName + ' ' + $lastName
    GivenName = $firstName
    Surname = $lastName
    PasswordProfile = @{
    Password = $password
    ForceChangePasswordNextSignIn = $true

    New-AzureADUser @userParams


    Make sure to replace "C:\Path\to\users.csv" with the actual path to your CSV file.

    Step 4: Run the Script Save the PowerShell script with a .ps1 extension, for example, "create-users.ps1". Open PowerShell, navigate to the script's location, and run the script by executing the following command:




    The script will read the CSV file and create users in Azure AD based on the provided information.
