Forum Discussion

Satish_krishna91's avatar
Copper Contributor
May 18, 2021

Need to Replace non english characters with english alphabets

Hi Team,


Can someone help me how to replace these characters [ÄäËëÏïÖöóÜüŸßáčďéěíňóřšťúůýž ] with normal English alphabets in on premises Active Directory on UserPrincipalName using PowerShell script? since the these characters are not getting synced with Azure portal.

Ex: need to replace Ä to A, ë to e

I have exported the list of users whose UserPrincipalName has these above unsupported characters but am unable to replace it to normal English alphabets.


Please assist.


Thanks in advance. 

  • SteveMacNZ's avatar
    Iron Contributor


    Also don't forget about Microsoft Idfix tool 

    as this will identify, and resolve issues that will effect the sync to Azure AD - been a while since I last used so not sure if it will fix the character replacement issue.... 

    NZScottie script should do the trick to address that.  


    Would still advise to run Idfix regardless 🙂




  • NZScottie's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Hi Satish_krishna91 


    Give the following a try.


    It should be easy to modify with the rest of the characters you require to replace.


    I have written it on the fly so the syntax may not be quite correct.


    Make sure you run this on a small subset of users or better still some test users before running in production.


    # Filter this down to a small set to test with before running over all users in domain.
    $ADUsers = Get-ADUsers -filter *
    foreach ($ADUser in $ADUsers) {
        $NewUPN = $ADUser.UserPrincipalName
        switch -Regex -CaseSensitive ($ADUser.UserPrincipalName) {
            'Ä' { $NewUPN = $NewUPN -replace 'Ä','A' }
            'ä' {  $NewUPN = $NewUPN -replace 'ä','a' }
            'Ë' {  $NewUPN = $NewUPN -replace 'Ë','E' }
            'ë' {  $NewUPN = $NewUPN -replace 'ë','e' }
        $ADUser | Set-ADUser -UserPrincipalName $NewUPN


    Let me know how you get on. :smile:

