Forum Discussion

AP_TC_ECASD's avatar
Copper Contributor
Jan 23, 2025

New-MgBookingBusinessService CustomQuestions


I'm working my way though BookingBusiness with PowerShell, so please forgive me if this is obvious.  I've tried combing documentation but nothing seems to work.  I have this script, and first, I think I have to create the customQuestions and have done so successfully and have the reference IDs for the questions to use in the New-MgBookingBusinessService script. I cannot seem to get the customQuestion piece to work.  I'm first getting the available business staff and the custom questions I've already created.  Everything works until I try the CustomQuestions piece.  Here is what I have if you could please provide any assistance or guidance.  Thank you! 


# Define the Booking Business ID
$bookingBusinessId = "SCRUBBED"

# Path to your CSV file
$csvFilePath = "SCRUBBED"

# Import CSV file
$staffEmails = Import-Csv -Path $csvFilePath

# Retrieve all staff members for the booking business
Write-Host "Fetching all staff members for booking business ID: $bookingBusinessId"
$allStaff = Get-MgBookingBusinessStaffMember -BookingBusinessId $bookingBusinessId

# Ensure $allStaff is not null or empty
if (-not $allStaff) {
    Write-Error "No staff members found for the booking business ID: $bookingBusinessId"

# Debugging: Display all staff members retrieved (with Email and ID)
Write-Host "Staff members retrieved (Email and ID):" -ForegroundColor Green
$allStaff | ForEach-Object {
    $email = $_.AdditionalProperties["emailAddress"]
    $id = $_.Id
    $displayName = $_.AdditionalProperties["displayName"]
    Write-Host "DisplayName: $displayName, Email: $email, ID: $id" -ForegroundColor Yellow

# Retrieve all custom questions for the booking business
Write-Host "Fetching all custom questions for booking business ID: $bookingBusinessId"
$allCustomQuestions = Get-MgBookingBusinessCustomQuestion -BookingBusinessId $bookingBusinessId

# Ensure $allCustomQuestions is not null or empty
if (-not $allCustomQuestions) {
    Write-Error "No custom questions found for the booking business ID: $bookingBusinessId"

# Debugging: Display all custom questions retrieved (with ID and DisplayName)
Write-Host "Custom questions retrieved (ID and DisplayName):" -ForegroundColor Green
$allCustomQuestions | ForEach-Object {
    $id = $_.Id
    $displayName = $_.DisplayName
    Write-Host "ID: $id, DisplayName: $displayName" -ForegroundColor Yellow

# Loop through each staff member in the CSV and create an individual service for them
Write-Host "Creating individual booking services for each staff member..."
$staffEmails | ForEach-Object {
    $email = $_.staffemail.Trim().ToLower()

    # Find the matching staff member by email
    $matchingStaff = $allStaff | Where-Object {
        $_.AdditionalProperties["emailAddress"] -and ($_.AdditionalProperties["emailAddress"].Trim().ToLower() -eq $email)

    if ($matchingStaff) {
        $staffId = $matchingStaff.Id
        Write-Host "Match found: Email: $email -> ID: $staffId" -ForegroundColor Cyan

        # Create the booking service for the matched staff member
        try {
            $serviceParams = @{
                BookingBusinessId = $bookingBusinessId
                DisplayName = "$($matchingStaff.AdditionalProperties["displayName"]) Family Conference"
                StaffMemberIds = @($staffId)  # Create a service only for this staff member
                DefaultDuration = [TimeSpan]::FromHours(1)
                DefaultPrice = 50.00
                DefaultPriceType = "free"
                Notes = "Please arrive 10 minutes early for your booking."
                CustomQuestions = $allCustomQuestions | ForEach-Object {
                        Id = $_.Id
                        IsRequired = $true  # or $false depending on your requirement

            # Log the parameters being sent
            Write-Host "Service Parameters for $($matchingStaff.AdditionalProperties["displayName"]):" -ForegroundColor Blue
            $serviceParams.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object { Write-Host "$($_.Key): $($_.Value)" }

            New-MgBookingBusinessService @serviceParams
            Write-Host "Booking service successfully created for $($matchingStaff.AdditionalProperties["displayName"])!" -ForegroundColor Green
        } catch {
            Write-Error "Failed to create booking service for $($matchingStaff.AdditionalProperties["displayName"]): $_"
    } else {
        Write-Warning "No match found for email: $email"


  • luchete's avatar
    Steel Contributor

    Hello AP_TC_ECASD 
    It looks like you're getting the staff members and custom questions correctly, and you’re looping through the staff and trying to create a new booking service with custom questions. It seems to me that the issue may be specifically with how you're passing the CustomQuestions property in the New-MgBookingBusinessService call.
    I would try to modify the way you construct the CustomQuestions property in $serviceParams. Try using a New-Object to create proper objects rather than creating hashtables like: 

    CustomQuestions = $allCustomQuestions | ForEach-Object {
        New-Object PSObject -Property @{
            Id = $_.Id
            IsRequired = $true  # or $false depending on your requirement

    I think this will ensure that each custom question is represented as an object rather than a simple hashtable.

    You can also add a debug printout to see the structure of the CustomQuestions that you are sending with this line of code: 

    Write-Host "Custom Questions being sent: $($serviceParams.CustomQuestions)" -ForegroundColor Cyan

    This way, you can confirm that the CustomQuestions is being built correctly before making the New-MgBookingBusinessService call.

    Hope this helps!

    • AP_TC_ECASD's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      That worked!!!


      Part 2 of this... I know how to Get-MgBookingBusinessAppointment but how do I get the customer responses to the Custom Questions?

      • luchete's avatar
        Steel Contributor

        Hi AP_TC_ECASD
        Nice hear that worked! Now for getting the customer responses to the custom questions, probably i'll try to use the Get-MgBookingBusinessAppointment command to fetch the appointment details. Them, after that, the responses to the custom questions will be part of the CustomQuestions property in the appointment object.

        Here’s a way to try to get the responses:

        $appointmentId = "your-appointment-id"  # Replace with the actual appointment ID
        $appointment = Get-MgBookingBusinessAppointment -BookingBusinessId $bookingBusinessId -AppointmentId $appointmentId
        # Display the custom questions and responses
        $appointment.CustomQuestions | ForEach-Object {
            Write-Host "Question: $($_.DisplayName), Response: $($_.Answer)" -ForegroundColor Green

        You only have to replace $appointmentId with the ID of the appointment you're interested in, and this should give you the responses to the custom questions for that appointment. I think this may work. Let me know how it goes!
