Forum Discussion

Tom Phillips's avatar
Tom Phillips
Copper Contributor
Jun 20, 2020

PowerShell Direct - Unable to open Excel workbook with Excel.Application ComObject

Hello All,   Hoping someone may be able to enlighten me or provide an alternative. Running in a local PS session on a Win10 client with Office 2019 installed, I am able to run these commands, open...
  • Tom Phillips's avatar
    Jun 22, 2020

    Tom Phillips 

    I hate to be the one to answer my own question, but that is what's happening.

    After what I thought was a thorough three day search, I happened across a similar solution used for another like situation.

    I found that going into DCOM Config and, in the properties of the Microsoft Excel > Identity tab, change the setting to "The interactive user".

    Since this is not a production machine and is being used for testing, I have not looked any deeper than solving my immediate problem. To those who see a security issue, again, this was not a consideration for me in this case. If it was production, I would spend more time considering the collateral of this change.
