Forum Discussion
Jul 14, 2022Brass Contributor
Powershell: get data from MsOnline
Hi all,
I would extract some "basic" data like "UserPrincipalName, DisplayName, licenses, islicensed, creation date, last activation date" and others "nested" like AlternateEmailAddresses.
If possible, but only if possible without struggling, also the expiry date of the licenses...
More, I would filter only some kind of licenses, not everything but only:
- #SPB
I tried several attempts without any success...
A further step could be (but maybe not possible, perhaps difficult I understand) to get the licenses in separate columns, one for each type, to have a better ovwerview of the status of the accounts...
May someone help?
thanks a lot for your support
- Nice, expanding on my ugly script 😛
mfranhind115 Wrote a post about getting the license state and details for all users a while ago, perhaps a good start to expand on?
#Connect to MSOL if not connected Write-Host Checking MSOnline module -ForegroundColor Green try { Get-MsolDomain -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null } catch { if (-not (get-module -ListAvailable | Where-Object Name -Match 'MSOnline')) { Write-Host Installing MSOnline module.. -ForegroundColor Green Install-Module MSOnline } Connect-MsolService } #Create table of users and licenses ( #Download csv with all SKU's $ProgressPreference = "SilentlyContinue" Write-Host Downloading license overview from Microsoft -ForegroundColor Green $csvlink = ((Invoke-WebRequest -Uri | where-Object Href -Match 'CSV').href Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $csvlink -OutFile $env:TEMP\licensing.csv $skucsv = Import-Csv -Path $env:TEMP\licensing.csv $UsersLicenses = @() foreach ($user in Get-MsolUser -All | Sort-Object UserPrincipalName) { if ($user.isLicensed -eq $True) { foreach ($License in $User.licenses) { $SKUfriendlyname = $skucsv | Where-Object String_Id -Contains $License.AccountSkuId.Split(':')[1] | Select-Object Product_Display_Name -First 1 $SKUserviceplan = $skucsv | Where-Object String_Id -Contains $License.AccountSkuId.Split(':')[1] | Sort-Object Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names foreach ($serviceplan in $SKUserviceplan) { $Licenses = [PSCustomObject]@{ User = $User.UserPrincipalName LicenseSKU = $SKUfriendlyname.Product_Display_Name Serviceplan = $serviceplan.Service_Plans_Included_Friendly_Names } $UsersLicenses += $Licenses } } } } #Output all license information to c:\temp\userslicenses.csv and open it $UsersLicenses | Sort-Object User, LicenseSKU, Serviceplan | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation -Delimiter ';' -Encoding UTF8 -Path c:\temp\userslicenses.csv Invoke-Item c:\temp\userslicenses.csv
But could you show us what you already have and how the output of that is?- mfranhind115Brass Contributor
Hi Harm and many thanks
I would try your suggestion soon and let you know
at the moment I only extract separately the infos and combine them with excel formulas
but, for examples, I get all the licenses and features, so I have to check visually what licenses I'm interested of
then it is a lot time expensive- mfranhind115Brass Contributorjust tried the script
but it seems going stuck requesting for the web
any chance to avoid that request in your opinion?