Forum Discussion
Sep 24, 2020Copper Contributor
Powershell script to enable inheritance for the folders created in NTFS share
We have a NTFS Share folder wherein we are creating all the users' homeDirectories (homefolder) within the enterprise using Oracle identity management tool. Homefolder creation is working good. But, we are having issues with the permissions.
-- It doesn't inherit permissions from the parent folder.
-- sometimes the owner also doesn't get the permissions.
Is there a way for us to check the current permissions and enable inheritance for the folders created in the share and all the child items within. We have a lot of homefolders and not able to figureout how to do it via Powershell.
Any input will be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
You can use this example
$x=Get-ItemProperty -Path C:\MyFolder\123\456 Write-Host "The Parent is " -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline $x.Parent.Name
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- farismalaebSteel Contributor
Try this
$Permission=get-acl -Path $path
Set-Acl -Path $path -AclObject $Permission
# will enable inheritance on a folder
- suren424Copper Contributor
Thanks for the quick response farismalaeb
I was doing some research and network share folder we need to have 'NTFSSecurity ' powershell module. Do i have to use cmdlets from 'NTFSSecurity' module or the one you shared works fine too.
I used this enable inheritance for 'abc' folder, but it's not enabling inheritance for the child items in the 'abc' holder. The same goes with child items in the parent folder 'C:\Share'. How to enable inheritance for child items too. I want to do this for all the folders that gets created newly on a daily basis.
Thanks in advance.
Get-Item C:\Share\abc\ | Enable-NTFSAccessInheritance
- farismalaebSteel Contributor
The Modules are make to ease and make common tasks easier and possible.
Have you tried the code I wrote,
Give it a try on a test folder and see the result, I test it from my side and its working fine, this is a native code, so no need for any module or anything, just copy and paste and thats it.
Replace the Value or the $Path with any folder and give it a try. if it work (and should) you can add it with a foreach loop. Just try the code on a test folder and post the result back