Forum Discussion

Nervill_mcbo's avatar
Copper Contributor
Feb 16, 2020

Problem with my script, dont execute

Hello to everyone
I have a script that is not working for me and I do not understand why ?, my script tries to run a ping to selected machines as long as the computer is in a valid network to perform the ping and finally gives me a report in a file, in If a ping fails with a machine, I will display an alert window to take actions, but I really do not understand what happens with the script if you can guide me please, thank you very much.


+++ Powershell script++++

Add-Type -AssemblyName PresentationCore,PresentationFramework

$names = Get-content "C:\Servers.txt"
$subname=" "
$dia = Get-date
$ButtonType = [System.Windows.MessageBoxButton]::OK
$MessageIcon = [System.Windows.MessageBoxImage]::Error
$MessageTitle = "Falla de Alcance por Ping"

#$ipV4 = Test-Connection -ComputerName (hostname) -Count 1  | Select -ExpandProperty IPV4Address
$ipV4 = (Get-NetAdapter -Physical | where status -eq 'up' | Get-NetIPAddress).IPv4Address 
Write-Host $ipV4.IPAddressToString
#Write-Verbose $ipV4.IPAddressToString

if ($ipV4.GetAddressBytes()[0] -eq "192" -and $ipV4.GetAddressBytes()[1] -eq "168" -and $ipV4.GetAddressBytes()[2] -eq "5" ){

if ($ipV4.GetAddressBytes()[0] -eq "192" -and $ipV4.GetAddressBytes()[1] -eq "168" -and $ipV4.GetAddressBytes()[2] -eq "6" ){

if ($ipV4.GetAddressBytes()[0] -eq "10" -and $ipV4.GetAddressBytes()[1] -eq "212" -and $ipV4.GetAddressBytes()[2] -eq "134" ){

if($chequea -eq "si"){

$Output+="$dia : "
foreach ($name in $names){

 if (Test-Connection -ComputerName $name -Count 1 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue){
   $Output+= "$name ====>> UP || "
   Write-Host "$name ====>> UP "
   #Write-Verbose "$name ====>> UP "
   $Output+= "$name ====>> DOWN || "
   Write-Host "$name ====>> DOWN "
   #Write-Verbose "$name ====>> DOWN "

   if ($name -eq ""){
    $subname="DNS Google"

if ($name -eq ""){
    $subname="Dominio Google"

if ($name -eq ""){

if ($name -eq ""){
    $subname="Server 10"

if ($name -eq ""){
    $subname="Server 8"

if ($name -eq ""){
    $subname="Server 9"

if ($name -eq ""){
    $subname="Server 7"

if ($name -eq ""){
    $subname="Server 1"

if ($name -eq ""){
    $subname="Server 2"

if ($name -eq ""){
    $subname="Server 3"

if ($name -eq ""){
    $subname="Server 4"

if ($name -eq ""){
    $subname="Server 5"

if ($name -eq ""){
    $subname="Impresora Wifi"

if ($name -eq ""){
    $subname="Impresora Xerox "
   $MessageBody = "Conexion Perdida con el IP: $name$subname"
$Output | Out-file "C:\PingResult.txt" -Append

