Forum Discussion
May 27, 2022Copper Contributor
PS Script: New-Team NotFound
Hi everyone, since 3 days I can not create a TEAMS via Powershell anymore. Its the same script since 3 months at it was never a problem.
My script is:
# Team Display Name - declare Variables
$display_name = "Ayti Test 3"
$description_name = "MCCH-ORG-EXT Ayti Test 3"
$mailnick_name = "MCCH-ORG-EXTAYTITEST3"
$owner = "my Company Email Adress"
#PS for Creation
New-Team -DisplayName $display_name -MailNickName $mailnick_name -Description $description_name -Owner $owner -AllowCreateUpdateRemoveConnectors:$false -AllowCreateUpdateRemoveTabs:$false -AllowAddRemoveApps:$false -AllowDeleteChannels:$false -AllowGuestDeleteChannel:$false -AllowCreateUpdateChannels:$false -Visibility "private"
The Error message since today is:
New-Team : NotFound in /v1.0/teams/ endpoint
At line:1 char:2
+ New-Team -DisplayName $display_name -MailNickName $mailnick_name -De ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [New-Team], HttpRequestException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException,Microsoft.Teams.PowerShell.TeamsCmdlets.NewTeam
Like I told you above, this script worked since 3 months without any problems. Any Idea what the Problem is?
- Hello Aytac, what Teams PS version are you using? Update to the latest version and try your script again and let us know
- AytacDoganCopper ContributorMicrosoftTeams 4.3.0
Microsoft.Graph.Teams 1.9.6
PSTeams 2.1.1
TeamsFunctions 22.5.22
MSTeams 1.0
TeamsCloudCommunicationApi 0.3.0
BitTitan.Runbooks.Microsoft... 0.1.5
MicrosoftTeamsCommunity 0.0.3
BitTitan.Runbooks.Microsoft... 0.1.5
MsftTeams 1.0.0
TeamsUserEnroller 2.2.1
PsWebexTeams 1.2
TeamsEducation 0.9
VisualStudioTeamServices 2.0
GitHub.Teams 0.0.6
TeamsOnWVD 2.3
MSTeamsCmdlets 21.0.8137.1
SteamStorefront 1.1.6765.3492
TeamsExtension 1.0.0
MicrosoftTeamsRecordingPolicy 1.0.1
KFTeamsTools 0.0.21
UcLobbyTeams 0.1.2
MSTeamsDirectRouting 1.0.8
MSTeamsCQD 1.0.0
PSTeamSeas 1.0.2- I've just used your script on my tenant to create a Team without any issues, if you try to create a team using the Teams Admin Center and the same administrator, can you?