Forum Discussion
Aug 09, 2023Brass Contributor
Windows 11 assigned access - setting kiosk mode over powershell and WMI
Hey guys, so currently as this article states, kiosk multi app mode in Intune for windows 11 is on the roadmap, but there is no ETA, when it comes live.
Aug 11, 2023Brass Contributor
Also tried it with powershell 7 and with another version of the script (also from an elevated cmd started with psexec)
$nameSpaceName = "root\cimv2\mdm\dmmap"
$className = "MDM_AssignedAccess"
# Schreiben Sie die XML-Konfiguration in eine Datei
$xmlContent = @"
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<AssignedAccessConfiguration xmlns="" xmlns:win11="">
<!-- ... Ihre XML-Konfiguration hier ... -->
$xmlFilePath = "win11-kiosk-wmi.xml"
$xmlContent | Set-Content -Path $xmlFilePath -Encoding UTF8
# Get-CimInstance, um die Instanz zu erhalten
$obj = Get-CimInstance -Namespace $nameSpaceName -ClassName $className
# Setzen Sie die Konfigurationseigenschaft des $obj-Objekts
$obj.Configuration = $xmlFilePath
# Aktualisieren Sie die Instanz mit der neuen Konfiguration
Set-CimInstance -CimInstance $obj
but also getting an error
Aug 11, 2023Brass Contributor
also ran the command on the client to test if I can access this class
- LainRobertsonAug 11, 2023Silver Contributor
Hi, Michael.
Again, I have to apologies for needing to use a translator (where I hope the translation is accurate), which for the error of:
Es ist ein allgemeiner fehler aufgetreten, fur den kein spezifischerer fehlercode verfugbar ist
I got a translation of:
A general error has occurred for which a more specific error code is not available
If that's accurate, that makes things a little difficult to troubleshoot since the MDM WMI provider isn't giving us a meaningful error to work with.
I do have to wonder though, if you run the following, do you get back a reference to your user account or the computer's account?
Here's an example of the command, which in my case shows my user account:
If you've followed the instructions correctly on using psexec, what you should get is a reference to the computer's account.
- MichaelWAug 11, 2023Brass Contributor
LainRobertson Hi Lain, thank you for your response, here is the output
So powershell is using the system authority
Unfortunately im not that deep into WMI and manipulating windows on that level
- LainRobertsonAug 11, 2023Silver Contributor
Okay, that actually looks good. The username is right and the earlier call you made above that to Get-CimInstance succeeded.
So, I've gone back up and had a look at the script and it looks like a simple formatting issue.
Line 6 should actually be part of line 5. So, this (your lines 5 and 6):
$obj.Configuration = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::HtmlEncode (@"
Should become this:
$obj.Configuration = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::HtmlEncode(@"
The issue putting the "(" on the next line creates is that the XML doesn't get assigned to $obj.Configuration. Instead, $obj.Configuration has the definition of the
[System.Web.HttpUtility]::HtmlEncode method assigned to it. It's not important to understand that, only that it will cause your Set-CimInstance to fail.So, make the simple change above and try again.