Forum Discussion

Matthew Jados's avatar
Matthew Jados
Copper Contributor
Nov 30, 2018

DHCPv6 and specifying IP exlcustions for a default /64 scope



I am currently in the process of setting up dhcpv6 on my AD server and I noticed that when you specify the dhcpv6 scope you are restricted to only setting a /64 prefix.  (This is way more IP's then I need for the dhcpv6 scope)  I want to only hand out a /113 specific range.


I noticed the only way to do this is to exclude a hole lot of IP's in the /64.


How do I come up with the exclusion list so that I am only handing out that specific /113 prefix that I have?


Or would it just be better to use unique /64s for each vlan?




vlan1 - 2001:1900:3000:4::0/64

vlan2 - 2001:1900:3000:5::0/64

vlan3 - 2001:1900:3000:6::0/64


I look forward to hearing peoples thoughts


Thanks in advance
