Forum Discussion
Jan 07, 2025Copper Contributor
Windows DNS server crash?
Our DNS servers crashed and took our network down. I rebooted them and its back but I foud the below error I have never seen before. Can't find anything in any log but this and its never happened before. Is thewre any way to tell what caused this?
Event ID 906
lsass (796,G,0) A significant portion of the database buffer cache has been written out to the system paging file. This may result in severe performance degradation.
See help link for complete details of possible causes.
Previous cache residency state: 64% (23809 out of 37063 buffers) (72 seconds ago)
Current cache residency state: 15% (4338 out of 28472 buffers)
Current cache size vs. target: 99% (214.508 / 214.711 MBs)
Physical Memory / RAM size: 8191.023 MBs
- kyazaferrSteel Contributor
# Check DNS Server memory usage and performance
Get-Counter '\Memory\*'
Get-Counter '\DNS Server\*'# Review DNS debug logs (if enabled)
dnscmd /config /LogLevel 0x8000F331# Check running processes and memory usage
Get-Process | Sort-Object -Property WS -Descending | Select-Object -First 20