Forum Discussion
Oliver Stähr
Oct 04, 2017Copper Contributor
RSAT missing DNS Server Tools?
Hi, on a fresh Win 10 insider client (16278 updated to 16299) I installed Windows_InsiderPreview_RSAT_x64_16279 but it seems to be missing DNS Server Tools, the MMC snap-in. All other tools like AD,...
- Jan 18, 2018
[UPDATE] The final 1803 release of RSAT is now on the public RSAT download page. Look for the WS_1803 package there, thanks!
Here's the official KB workaround published by the DNS team: (thanks Christoff MOrlOck for posting this previously)
The RSAT download page now also has this info under Additional Information:
Issue: DNS Tools missing
Impact: WS_1709 RSAT package users
Resolution: Use the WS2016 RSAT package or apply this workaroundThe DNS team has also fixed the root cause for RS4 and so the workaround will not be required for the upcoming RS4 RSAT package update.
Jake Burgy
Oct 24, 2017Brass Contributor
We're also seeing this issue on the current download here:
File: WindowsTH-RSAT_WS_1709-x64.msu
We'd prefer not to move files around manually in order to get DNS back - when can we expect an actual fix (i.e. a new release) for this issue?
And more importantly, how could this pass even the most basic of QA tests and be released to the general public? :)
- Robert AffleckOct 24, 2017Copper Contributor
In my "perfect world" people would get fired over this. Think of all the thousands of wasted hours this will now cause.
- Christopher MorganDec 04, 2017Copper Contributor
You must not work in software development...
Regardless - it has taken them a bit too long to fix this seemingly minor packaging bug.
- hedmonNov 15, 2017Copper Contributor
Robert Affleck wrote:In my "perfect world" people would get fired over this. Think of all the thousands of wasted hours this will now cause.
that won't solve the issue. Learn from the mistake and make sure won't happen again.