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Translator within Azure Cognitive Services AMA
Event Ended
Tuesday, Oct 26, 2021, 09:00 AM PDTEvent details
We are very excited to announce a Translator within Cognitive Services AMA!
An AMA is a live text-based online event similar to a “YamJam” on Yammer or an “Ask Me Anything” on Reddit. This AMA gives you the opportunity to connect with Microsoft product experts who will be on hand to answer your questions and listen to feedback.
Feel free to post your questions anytime in the comments below beforehand, if it fits your schedule or time zone better, though questions will not be answered until the live hour.
Updated Sep 27, 2021
- EricStarkerFormer EmployeeThank you for joining us and voicing your questions and feedback in this Translator within Azure Cognitive Services Ask Microsoft Anything (AMA)! See you next time!
- kapitaenOccasional ReaderMaybe anyone can sent me a description to use AMA?
- EricStarkerFormer EmployeeYou just post questions about Translator within Azure Cognitive Services by typing where it says "Comment on this event", just like you just did, and the team will look at them and respond.
- rakoellnerLearn ExpertTranslator with Azure Cognitive Services #Compliance Where is the data process? Who is the processor? Is the Translator a part of the DPA and OSTs? Which data will be transfer between Microsoft Ireland and Microsoft Corp based in the new SCCs? How we can configure the Translator, that the data will be only proceed in Europe?
- diegobartolome
- rakoellnerLearn ExpertThank you very much.
- HIbrahimiCopper ContributorHello, thanks for taking the time to hold this event. I have some feedback regarding the Pashto language in MS translate. There are some critical quality improvements needed and I think only the language speakers would really understand. Is there someone at MS specifically responsible for the Pashto translation efforts that you could help connect me with? Thanks.
- diegobartolome
Please reach out to mtfb@microsoft.com with your feedback.
- EricStarkerFormer Employee
Welcome to the Translator within Azure Cognitive Services Ask Microsoft Anything (AMA)! This live hour gives you the opportunity to ask questions and provide feedback. Please introduce yourself by replying to this thread!
- AMateos91Iron ContributorThis is Abraham Mateos, member and contributor at Microsoft Tech Community, NASA ARSET trainee and CEO/Founder at Kumy Solutions Ltd. Thanks for this new event and hope to be helpful to possible requests.
- MartinLaplanteIron ContributorHi Eric. I'm Martin Laplante from PointFire.
- joerg_lauferBrass ContributorCan we use the translator for a digital experience situation where we have a customer web frontend to be translated and with documents in rest, with azure communication services for customer chat, audio and with an AI working as a consultative concierge to answer questions in chat and in speech from customer?
- diegobartolome
Yes, that's a good application of our cognitive services.- joerg_lauferBrass ContributorWe are working for a German customer and set this solution up but now get demand from international employees to deliver it in several languages. A static solution is not suitable for content which is mainly conversation and AI based interaction. Do you have an idea to whom we should get into contact @diegobartolone ?
- kapitaenOccasional ReaderSomething went wrong. How can i join the session?
- EricStarkerFormer EmployeeYou're in the session right now! It's all text-based Q&A. No audio or video component.
- MartinLaplanteIron ContributorI believe that Inuktitut was the first polysynthetic language to be tackled. Kudos. Can the techniques learned there be extended to other polysynthetic languages of North America?
- moelghaz
Learning is already being applied to other language pairs within the same language family and across families, but the challenges are mostly finding in domain data and human evaluators to improve the translation quality. - diegobartolome
Thanks. Indeed, with every new language we ship, we learn.
- MartinLaplanteIron ContributorWith advances in post-editing learning, would it be possible to train a smaller model on an organization's post-editing changes rather than re-training the translation engine on a large sample of parallel documents?
- diegobartolome
You can use https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/cognitive-services/translator/custom-translator/overview to train with the source sentences and the post-edited sentences.- moelghaz
Though no ETA at this time, we have Custom Translator features to reduce the 10K parallel sentences minimum requirements and to enable incremental retraining.
- thayes2021Brass ContributorCan we translate 'live captions' in teams meeting into other languages? Can we transcribe other languages in Teams meetings or translate the live transcript?
- moelghaz
You can use Carbon SDK V2.0 and Speech Translation to build it. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/cognitive-services/speech-service/speech-translation - diegobartolome
This feature is not available yet.