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Microsoft 365 Champions community call (August 2024): Testing the new broadcast platform
Event Ended
Tuesday, Aug 27, 2024, 08:00 AM PDTEvent details
Join us in switching to YouTube live-streaming on the Microsoft Tech Community as the new official platform for all monthly *Microsoft 365 Champions* calls! Your host, TiffanyLee, is joined by guests...
Updated Dec 27, 2024
Aug 27, 2024Iron Contributor
Are the 'mainline' Community calls going to follow this YouTube first approach? Which is great for inclusivity and being seen.
Or will we still keep the Teams approach ... which allows us to chat a bit between us.
Aug 27, 2024The M365 Champions and Viva Community calls will be following this approach for sure, but we are still evaluating this format for other calls. We're working on finding the balance between the various community needs and platform capabilities and exploring new options. But as always, give us your feedback!