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Basic Authentication and Exchange Online AMA
Event Ended
Wednesday, Oct 13, 2021, 09:00 AM PDTEvent details
We are very excited to announce a Basic Authentication and Exchange Online AMA!
An AMA is a live text-based online event similar to a “YamJam” on Yammer or an “Ask Me Anything” on Reddit. This AMA gives you the opportunity to connect with Microsoft product experts who will be on hand to answer your questions and listen to feedback.
Feel free to post your questions about Basic Authentication and Exchange Online anytime in the comments below beforehand, if it fits your schedule or time zone better, though questions will not be answered until the live hour.
Updated Oct 13, 2021
- DevOpsMaverickBrass ContributorQuestion around the minimum Office version topic. Will Outlook version for which dont match minimum versions stop connecting on November 1st? Or is it a they might stop but we wont support if they do? Thinking more of the 2016 clients which may be a patch out of date (MSI installs) and fall just short of the minimum version.
- AmirHaque-MSFT
Yes, in theory that'll start happening on Nov 1, i.e. blocking of older/unsupported Outlook versions/builds (it takes time to deploy any such changes globally in service). Outlook users should be using minimum required versions/builds or best, the latest versions/builds to connect to their Exchange Online mailboxes in M365, as mentioned in the blog post linked below. With that said, getting to older builds of Outlook 2013 and 2016 users will take some time, as we plan to start with Outlook 2007 & 2010, as those two versions have been out of support since 2017 & 2020 respectively. https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/microsoft-365-blog/new-minimum-outlook-for-windows-version-requirements-for/ba-p/2684142
- AndrewTIron ContributorThe vast majority of our remaining basic clients that are using Active Sync are the Apple Mail app on Apple iOS devices, even though we have been enabled for modern auth for some time. It seems to be that if the ActiveSync client was initially setup with basic auth it will keep using it unless you remove and re-add the mail account. Are there any better ways to approach this?
- Greg Taylor - EXCHANGE
Hey Andrew - you're right that the device will stick to Basic even through upgrades if it was initially set up with Basic, unless you remove and re-add the account. We are working on a solution with Apple (and Google) as it happens, but I can't share more than that at this time. In the meantime, and in case that doesn't work out, the solution of removing and re-adding the account is the way to go.- EmyLoanzonIron ContributorHi! I am in the same situation - we have fully enrolled company and personal devices in Intune and we would like to update the email profiles - but these still use EAS and the Apple calendar still uses EWS. Do you have updates on moving away from basic authentication in iOS mail and calendar apps? Thanks.
- StefanoC66Iron ContributorIs it supported to use Azure Application proxy service to publish on-prem exchange services, OWA as well as Outlook, to not expose them to attacks as in the recent past ? Is there any documentation on that
- RobWhaley-MSFT
Hi Stefano, we do know that we have a gap in our documentation on this and are working on filling it, that said we have seen usage with Azure Application Proxy (AAP) and OWA/ECP and it has worked but we have not seen AAP and Outlook working in this scenario.- StefanoC66Iron Contributoris there any plan for such scenario that would solve such a big issue ?
- DevOpsMaverickBrass ContributorQuestion around the Exchange Online TLS 1.0 / 1.1 topic ... is this just for SMTP Auth or connectivity in general? because while i can see EWS traffic in our Service Trust portal reports i cannot see POP3 / IMAP4 client for which i know are using TLS 1.0 (based on WireShark traces).
- ScottSchnoll
Hi Jamie, this is for connectivity in general. POP and IMAP are not included in the report, unfortunately because no logging exists that exposes the encryption protocol version used for POP & IMAP clients. To capture this information, you may need to capture network trace logs from your server. See https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/exchange-team-blog/exchange-server-tls-guidance-part-2-enabling-tls-1-2-and/ba-p/607761 for documentation on this.
- mmattanaBrass ContributorWhich Outlook Versions will be impacted will be impacted when disabling this from the M365 Admin Center "Allow access to basic authentication protocols - Outlook Clients - Includes Exchange Web Services, MAPI over HTTP, Offline Address Book and Outlook Anywhere protocols" and "Autodiscover"?
- desadan
All versions of Outlook which uses Basic auth. Following blog post should help: https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/exchange-events/basic-authentication-and-exchange-online-ama/ev-p/2810758
- GavinParryCopper ContributorDo you have a guides/video walk throughs on how to best set up OAuth permissions for applications to access Exchange Online, e.g. the APIs permissions, (delegated vs. application permission) as well as limiting applications to only certain mailboxes rather than the who tenant/organisation. And any troubleshooting approaches? Each developer/app I have encountered recently seems to want to set things up differently so any best practises would be great. Thanks
- navgupta
Hi Gavin, Please take a look at this documentation - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/exchange/app-only-auth-powershell-v2?view=exchange-ps Step 2 in the appendix is about assigning API permissions to access Exchange Online for an application created in Azure AD. - luberth
https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/auth/auth-concepts and https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/auth-limit-mailbox-access could be very helpful here- GavinParryCopper ContributorThanks, I've just has a quick read through, does New-ApplicationAccessPolicy cover IMAP.AccessAsUser.All access to mailboxes?
- Matthias KirschCopper ContributorHi there and thanks for this AMA! In the Exchange Team Blog post it was stated "Beginning early 2022, we will selectively pick tenants and disable Basic Auth...". I guess those tenants are randomly picked during you analysis next year, but will there be any kind of notification prior to temporarily disable basic auth for those tenants? Thanks and cheers! Matthias
- AmirHaque-MSFT
Yes, there will be Message Center posts (notifications) for those tenants, who will experience temporary disabling of Basic auth.- Matthias KirschCopper ContributorGreat to hear. Can you make an estimation on how far in advance?
- schwantje1Copper ContributorIn the September 2021 Update for Exchange Online and Basic Auth, it states that you will start randomly disabling Basic Auth for some customers on a temporary basis in early 2022. How do we opt out of this?
- RobWhaley-MSFT
You can now go directly to the Basic Auth self-help diagnostic by simply going to http://aka.ms/DiagEnableBasicAuthinEXO or you can open the Microsoft 365 admin center and click the green Help and support button in the lower right hand corner of the screen. The full information is located here: https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/exchange-team-blog/basic-authentication-and-exchange-online-september-2021-update/ba-p/2772210
- Dylan_Snodgrass
Community Manager
Welcome to the Microsoft Exchange Ask Microsoft Anything (AMA) for Basic Authentication and Exchange Online!
This live hour gives you the opportunity to ask questions and provide feedback directly to the team. Please introduce yourself by replying to this thread. For any questions be sure to ask them as a new comment!
- RobWhaley-MSFT
Hey everyone, I am Rob a Support Engineer with the Exchange Customer Support Team happy to help answer your questions. - luberth
Hey everyone, I'm Luberth from the Microsoft Graph CPx team. Here to learn from my team and if possible share my knowledge at the same time - navgupta
Hi everyone, I'm Navin Gupta, PM in Exchange PowerShell Team. Here to answer what I can !
- mmattanaBrass ContributorHi AMA! Conditional Access Policies in Azure AD allows to choose "Other Clients" when blocking Legacy Auth in advance to see an expected impact, but you can't just disable IMAP and POP and leave SMTP open. Is there a way to create a CAP in advance so that we can block Basic for IMAP and POP only without impacting SMTP?
- Greg Taylor - EXCHANGE
Hey Massimo, you can also use Auth Policies to do this - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/exchange/new-authenticationpolicy?view=exchange-ps You can set up a policy to block just POP and IMAP if you want to. You can also do this in Microsoft Admin Center - Org Settings, Modern Auth, the checkboxes there.- mmattanaBrass ContributorGreat! I think this addresses both questions 🙂 Thank you!
- mmattanaBrass ContributorAdding some notes here. I have a few companies (5000-10000 mailboxes each) without CA because they don't have AADP1. Any additional test to evaluate the impact in advance?
- Greg Taylor - EXCHANGE
In that case I'd suggest getting into the Azure AD Sign In Logs and looking for usage. Or just setting an Auth Policy - and waiting to see what happens... 😉