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Exchange AMA

Event Ended
Wednesday, May 10, 2023, 09:00 AM PDT

Event details

We are excited to announce an Exchange AMA on Wednesday, May 10th at 9:00 AM Pacific time!


On March 23, 2023, Microsoft announced a new transport-based enforcement system in Exchange Online that is designed to increase customer awareness of unsupported and unpatched Exchange Servers of theirs that are sending email to Exchange Online, and to drive customer action to remediate their servers. There are two possible remediations:

  1. A server that cannot be patched (e.g., Exchange Server 2007, Exchange Server 2010, and Exchange 2013), must be permanently decommissioned.
  2. Servers that can be patched (Exchange 2016 and Exchange 2019) must be updated within 90 days from detection, or mail from that server to Exchange Online will be blocked.


Join us as our experts discuss these upcoming changes to Exchange Online. 


This AMA will be a live text-based online event with no audio or video component similar to an “Ask Me Anything” on Reddit. This AMA gives you the opportunity to connect with Microsoft product experts who will be on hand to answer your questions and listen to feedback.


Feel free to post your questions now through the end of the live event in the comments below; however, questions will not be answered until the live event.

Updated May 10, 2023
Date and Time
May 10, 20239:00 AM - 10:00 AM PDT