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Microsoft Entra Suite: Comprehensive Zero Trust user access at your fingertips
Event Ended
Thursday, Feb 20, 2025, 07:00 AM PSTEvent details
With over 30 billion password attacks annually, securing identities is a critical line of defense. As employees continue to work from anywhere, the increased complexity of securing access can lead to...
Updated Feb 20, 2025
Feb 20, 2025Copper Contributor
Is there any plans for an E7 or similar license with the Entra Suite included?
Feb 20, 2025Hi Sebastian - Thank you for your interest. There are no plans for an E7 license at this time. For the latest information about Microsoft Entra pricing, please visit the pricing page: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/security/business/microsoft-entra-pricing?msockid=247eec13b525631d26bbfd94b4966212