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AMA: Enterprise App Management, Advanced Analytics in Intune Suite
Event Ended
Wednesday, Mar 20, 2024, 09:30 AM PDTEvent details
Have you explored the new solutions in the Microsoft Intune Suite? Do you have questions on how to deploy Microsoft and non-Microsoft applications from the app catalog and keep them updated? Are you curious about the new device query functionality that helps you gain real time insight on the state of your devices? Join this Ask Microsoft Anything (AMA) event to get your questions answered! We’ll cover Enterprise App Management and Advanced Analytics, which launched February 1st in the Microsoft Intune Suite—plus whatever topics you bring to the table!
Post your questions in the Comments below. We'll have experts responding in the live stream and others in chat.
This session is part of Microsoft Intune: Tech Community Live. Add it to your calendar, RSVP for event reminders, and post your questions and comments below! This session will also be recorded and available on demand shortly after conclusion of the live event. |
Updated Dec 27, 2024
- Char_CheesmanBronze Contributor
In addition to the questions posted on this page, we also answer questions posted in reply to the event on LinkedIn and X (Twitter). Here are the questions we answered today:
From LinkedIn -- How about update management? Will the updates be adjustable? Example new version of KeePass. Will we need to deploy/add that app as a secondary app or will the original app be updated and how? - answered at 23:00
From Tech community -- Are you looking to create an interface where we can create a custom report for gathering a specific piece of data like a specific file or registry key? For high use reports, the custom report could even be shared with a community to help everyone out. - answered at 27:20
From Tech community -- Would be pretty useful to be able to report if a group has a policy/configuration assigned. Sometimes it's pretty hard to know if changing a groups membership will effect another config. Do you have any plans to add such feature? - answered at 34:25
From LinkedIn -- Is there a more efficient way to expose anomalies such as Windows Feature Updates? For example, Windows devices that are supposed to be migrated but haven't and reasons why. for instance, device has a policy blocking the upgrade or device doesn't meet requirements. - answered at 36:30
From LinkedIn -- As Intune administrator, I have an Intune Enterprise Application Management licence. Will I need a licence for all my users with Intune enrolled devices? - answered at 39:00
From X -- Do you plan to add more reporting features on disk encryption? Which method of encryption is used, etc.? - answered at 49:25
Question -- we're seeing now that Copilot in Intune preview has been announced -- When we will see a natural language interface for Intune reporting? Something like "show me all devices that are not compliant", or "show me all devices that do not have Secure Boot and BitLocker enabled" - answered at 52:30
- Char_CheesmanBronze Contributor
That concludes this AMA! Thanks for joining us, and we hope you enjoyed this session. If you missed the live broadcast, don’t worry – you can watch it on demand.
Stay up to date on the latest in Intune! Bookmark the Microsoft Intune Blog and follow MSIntune on X and LinkedIn. Want more tips, tricks, and insights from the experts? Tune in to new episodes of Unpacking Endpoint Management series each month here on the Tech Community. - VegBroCopper Contributor
I'm looking for possibility to create device collection like in SCCM. To create a group based on a query for installed application so that devices that have a spesific application installed is added to a group and a application updates can be deployed to this group. Do you know a way to do this? Sorry if this is already answered.
- MaenXeBrass ContributorI love remediation scripts, they are a massive game changer. I would love to see better reporting on the timeline of remediation. Currently, it shows a current state, and what was remediated on last run, but no reference to when devices were remediated over time. Any plans for that?
- Jon_Callahan
Thanks for the feedback and love for Remedition Scripts! On the Overview page for a Remediation script, we do have a 30-day trend chart shows how many devices the issue was fixed and how many had no issue. We have heard the need for historical reports for devices, but this is not something we have planned just yet. Please go to https://aka.ms/IntuneFeedback and either add this or upvote it.
- JFRigotBrass ContributorDo you have intention to publish some 'most used' or most recommended or best practice KQL queries from Advanced Analytics to help people starting with it easily? 🙂
- Char_CheesmanBronze Contributor
Thanks for participating in today's session of AMA: Enterprise App Management, Advanced Analytics in Intune Suite! For reference, the panel covered your question at around 51:00.
- Abby_Starr
Yes, but no timeline to share as of today. Alternatively, with the Suite license you will be able to use Copilot to form KQL queries using natural language input!- JFRigotBrass ContributorGreat addition! Looking forward to it.
- FilipRychlikCopper ContributorAre there any additional features for macOS devices?
- Rachelle_Blanchard
Hi Filip! This is a great question to post to the macOS session we hosted earlier today. https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/endpoint-management-events/ama-securely-manage-macos-with-intune/ev-p/4065248
- jordi_segarraCopper ContributorIs there any chance to have a similar report as GPResult so we can identify which Intune profile is applying X setting at device level? When we have 10+ profiles assigned to a device, it's difficult to identify the right profile that is applying a X setting.
- Char_CheesmanBronze Contributor
Thanks for participating in today's session of AMA: Enterprise App Management, Advanced Analytics in Intune Suite! For reference, the panel covered your question at around 42:00.
- Bobby1976Occasional ReaderSCCM vs Intune app deployment, is there any plans to have deploy at Logon available in the future?
- Char_CheesmanBronze Contributor
Thanks for participating in today's session of AMA: Enterprise App Management, Advanced Analytics in Intune Suite! For reference, the panel covered your question at around 40:00.
- Char_CheesmanBronze Contributor
We're a little more than halfway through the AMA: Enterprise App Management, Advanced Analytics in Intune Suite. Keep your questions coming, especially on Advanced Analytics! Thanks!
- Pat44rsCopper ContributorWill the Enterprise App Management update the apps on all devices, or will you need to create a requirement rule to look for old versions and apply to all devices?
- Char_CheesmanBronze Contributor
Thanks for participating in today's session of AMA: Enterprise App Management, Advanced Analytics in Intune Suite! For reference, the panel covered your question at around 47:00.