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AMA: Improve your security posture with Intune
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Tuesday, Oct 01, 2024, 10:30 AM PDTEvent details
Has your organization applied Zero Trust principles to Intune? Curious about ensuring you have a solid security baseline configuration deployed across all your devices? Need to understand the best pr...
Updated Dec 27, 2024
Oct 01, 2024Copper Contributor
It's been some time since I've looked, but I recall "remediation scripts" being an add-on feature with additional cost. If that is correct, I'd expect to see that these features will likely remain separate.
Oct 01, 2024Brass Contributor
It's available, and extremely useful, for us, and we are at the E3 level.
- davidrcushmanOct 01, 2024Copper Contributor
Ah ok, there we have it. Remediation Scripts comes with E3 / E5 or A3 / A5. Again, if I recall correctly, to anyone that is not at a minimum of E3 / A3 they'd need to purchase additional licensing to access this feature. At any rate though, if this is indeed a feature that is available at a specific licensing tier, it would most likely not be combined with features that do not share the same dependency.