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AMA: Unlocking Copilot in Intune
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Tuesday, Oct 01, 2024, 08:30 AM PDTEvent details
Are you interested in discovering how AI can simplify your admin experience in Intune and assist with troubleshooting so you can mitigate issues faster? Join this Ask Microsoft Anything (AMA) session and engage directly with Microsoft product engineers to get your questions answered. We’ll discuss how Copilot in Intune can streamline policy management, help you create KQL queries, and more. This is also your opportunity to share scenarios where you think AI could further enhance your experience in Intune.
Post your questions in the Comments below. We'll have experts responding in the live stream and others in chat.
This session is part of Microsoft Intune: Tech Community Live. Add it to your calendar, RSVP for event reminders, and post your questions and comments below! This session will also be recorded and available on demand shortly after conclusion of the live event. |
Updated Dec 27, 2024
- Jaime_ITBrass ContributorAI may simplify our admin experience in Intune, but will Intune become dependent on it, or will Intune remain 100% manageable without it?
- Amit-Ghodke
The Copilot experiences are here to augment and help the admins, the value is in getting assistance to finish tasks faster. Intune will continue to remain the management plane. The AI additions only augments and helps the admins to do their job better vs adding a dependency. The goal is help and not become dependent. - Ankur_Goyal
It is not mandatory for you to use AI/Copilot so yes, Intune will remain 100% manageable without it. The hope is that admins find enough value in Copilot and AI that helps them perform tasks faster and become more efficient to focus on things that really matter(without worrying about mundane tasks), and take advantage of things that they weren't able to do in a more traditional sense.- Jaime_ITBrass ContributorIt is the very last part of your answer that concerns us, "take advantage of things that they weren't able to do in a more traditional sense".
- ArestrepocoCopper Contributori can use trial version to test copilot on intune? cause security copilot starts on high value to test
- Ankur_Goyal
Not at the moment. Copilot in Intune is not yet available as a trial option but this is something being worked on. If you want to sign up, simply follow the directions here - https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/copilot/security/get-started-security-copilot - Amit-Ghodke
We are working on trials, stay tuned. However, you can start off with Copilot for security with just one SCU , in fact even on a trial tenant.
- VaishnavK1993Brass ContributorIs there a plan to include Intune Copilot in the trial license (at least for a 30-day trial), like the other Intune Suite Products?
- Amit-Ghodke
Yes, this is work in progress stay tuned.
- Ali11CHIron ContributorIs copilot available in Developer tenants for testing?
- Amit-Ghodke
Yes it is available for any tenant, you can get started here. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/copilot/security/get-started-security-copilot
- Dallas_Allen705Copper ContributorWhat is the easiest way to get Copilot configured for use in Intune?
- Dallas_Allen705Copper ContributorI see the option to sign up for scu units. The cost of the units are more than what Is paid for our Microsoft tenant Suite. I think this is the reason for individuals asking for an option to test co-pilot. Is it possible to get scu's for a month of free testing?
- Amit-Ghodke
Simply onboard to Copilot for security and that enables the Copilot in Intune experience here is the link on how to onboard to Copilot for security. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/copilot/security/get-started-security-copilot#onboarding-to-copilot-for-security, you can stat using copilot in Intune thereafter as described here, https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/mem/intune/copilot/copilot-intune-overview#start-using-copilot-in-intune
- Heather_Poulsen
Community Manager
Welcome to the Unlocking Copilot in Intune AMA at Tech Community Live: Microsoft Intune edition. Let's get started! Please post your questions here in the Comments. We’ll be here until 9:30 a.m. Pacific Time! We will be answering questions in the live stream—and others will be answering here in the Comments.
- Jon_SchollCopper ContributorWill CoPilot be able to provide better explanations for the "Not Applicable" configuration policy errors when enrolling devices to mitigate issues faster?