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Embracing BYOD with Microsoft Tunnel for Mobile Application Management
Event Ended
Wednesday, Apr 12, 2023, 09:00 AM PDTEvent details
Dive into the benefits and use cases of Microsoft Tunnel for Mobile Application Management (MAM). The session will cover configuring and deploying tunnel for MAM policy, differences between iOS and Android, and troubleshooting common issues.
This session is part of the Microsoft Intune Suite Tech Accelerator. RSVP for event reminders, add it to your calendar, and post your questions and comments below! This session will also be recorded and available on demand shortly after conclusion of the live event. |
Updated Dec 27, 2024
- divymsOccasional ReaderHow to detect and decide whether to establish tunnel (outside corporate network) or not to establish tunnel (inside corporate network)? Should an internal server/service be set up for this?
- Heather_Poulsen
Community Manager
Could you provide more detail on your goals and intended use case? We'd love to help you with this.
- divymsOccasional ReaderJust wondering how Edge decides to establish tunnel or not. Is there any chance of establishing a tunnel when inside corporate network? How does Edge know whether it is inside a corporate network or not?
- Heather_Poulsen
Community Manager
Thanks for joining us! We hope you enjoyed this session. What do you like about the Tech Accelerator so far? Share your feedback here in the Comments and help shape the direction of future Intune events on the Tech Community!
We’ll continue to answer questions here in the chat for the rest of the half hour and we’ll check back through the end of the week. If you missed the live broadcast, don’t worry – you can watch it on demand.
And, if you’ll be in San Francisco for RSA 2023 later this month, join us at the Secure and Connected Endpoints Breakfast. - treyeshcvtCopper ContributorWill there be a demo on a Windows 10/11 device?
- Bill Calero
Windows 10/11 support for Microsoft Tunnel is not available currently. Forward looking item.
- Janic_VerboonCopper ContributorMy biggest quetsion regarding Tunnel is still why should I use Tunnel if I can get the same with Azure Application Proxy? Way easier to maintain and it also work for Windows / MacOS devices.
- Bill Calero
Tunnel and Azure App proxy can be together. Some differences ... - Azure App proxy - requires each endpoint to be defined | MAM tunnel - is a VPN into the corp network.. wider breath of network access - Tunnel can be integrated directly into a LOB app just a few differences here .., lots to discuss on this topic
- Camilo_SuarezOccasional ReaderI would like to know how I can use all these tools, I do not understand.
- Bill Calero
Tunnel for MAM is specifically designed to address scenarios where employees do not want to MDM enroll their personal devices... but still have a requirement to access on-premise resources ... i.e., internal websites, applications, etc. Access to these corporate resources on a personal device is made possible while also leveraging the protection of Intune's MAM (app protection) policies.
- Oluchi_Chukwunyere
Can you expand a bit ? Are you interested in how do you use Tunnel for MAM or how do you get access to the Intune Suite or something else ?- Camilo_SuarezOccasional ReaderRight now I'm starting my start-up, I don't understand how to use these tools
- Heather_Poulsen
Community Manager
Welcome to Embracing BYOD with Microsoft Tunnel for Mobile Application Management and the Tech Accelerator for the Microsoft Intune Suite. Let's get started! Have a question? Post here in the Comments so we can help. Let’s make this an active Q&A!