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The Store of the future
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Tuesday, Oct 25, 2022, 11:00 AM PDTEvent details
Learn how the Store of the future combines with the Windows Package Manager to enhance access to the Microsoft Store app catalog. Learn how you can search, discovery, deploy and manage Microsoft Store apps from within Intune, and with the Windows Package Manager.
Editor's note: The retirement of the Microsoft Store for Business and the Microsoft Store for Education, originally scheduled for March 31, 2023, has been postponed. For the latest information on the Microsoft Store, read Update to Intune integration with the Microsoft Store on Windows.
This session is part of the Microsoft Technical Takeoff: Windows + Intune. |
Updated Dec 27, 2024
- Heather_Poulsen
Community Manager
Links referenced in this session:
- mike taylorCopper ContributorThe installer policy files are now on the Download Center: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=103034 (not Github)
- SigurdWernerIron ContributorSo, in a co-managed scenario we will be able to use the company portal app for the apps offered via Intune/winget configuration w/o having to move the app workload in Configuration Manager to Intune?
- Jason_Sandys
No, you'll have to move the apps workload to Intune, however, this doesn't change anything about ConfigMgr app delivery capabilities. Unlike some of the other workloads, moving the app workload to Intune simply enables Intune app delivery to managed Windows Endpoints; it does not disable ConfigMgr app delivery to co-managed Windows endpoints.
- Anthony9394Copper ContributorWhat is the behavior for a client if it is both enrolled with Autopatch and also being managed by WUfB?
- Jason_Sandys
If a device is enrolled for Autopatch, then it is already using Windows Update for Business; Autopatch is (more or less) a managed service that leverages Windows Update for Business (and a few other mechanisms) to deploy updates to enrolled devices (there's more to Autopatch than just rolling out updates, but this is the crux of the core functionality). To my knowledge, once a device is enrolled for Autopatch, setting any Windows Update for Business policies through any other means is unsupported and could/will cause issues. Technically, there's nothing that will stop you from doing this just like technically, there's nothing that will stop you from driving down the freeway the wrong way (except for fear of the consequences), but it is unsupported as noted.- RainerP250458Iron Contributorthx for honestly clarifying this!
- PaulKlerkxIron ContributorI'm still a little lost on how the store will work. We don't use intune to deploy store applications, we used MECM with the "Windows App package (in the windows store)" option. That doesn't seem to be covered in this. Are you saying we now need to do manual command line installs on each device for each user if we want anything from the store? That can't be right, what am I missing.
- Jason_Sandys
With the store for business and education set to be retired, so is the functionality in ConfigMgr that connects to it (it'll stop working when the store for bus/ed is retired no matter what). To take advantage of the new integration that we are building, the best path is to attach your ConfigMgr site to Intune using co-management or fully move to Intune (whichever you prefer). Intune is our clear path for adding cloud value and capabilities to our Windows management ecosystem and this is clearly about the cloud. From a business perspective, it does not make sense for us to add the same functionality to both tools particularly when co-management exists and we strongly encourage customers to adopt cloud-attach in ConfigMgr (and have for a number of years now).- westry94Brass ContributorHi Jason, Do the WinGet scripts work if the MS Store is disabled? We are in a similar situation as Paul, however we are co-managing our devices with Intune. My question is around getting the Company Portal installed on the user machines when they are starting from an OnPrem environment. We used to do this using the ConfigMgr Windows Store integration, but I understand that is being depreciated. So now, I would assume we would use WinGet with a script to install the Company Portal first, then we can proceed with using Intune to deploy Store Apps (as they will now show up for the end user in Company Portal). The problem is that we will be disabling the MS Store all together for our devices, for obvious reasons, we do not want our users to be able to install whatever they want from the store at any time. But with the store disabled, will the Windows Package Manager (WinGet) still be able to install apps that we approve? Of course to be able to direct people to the Company Portal, we need to first figure out how to install the Company Portal. Thanks.
- aj_28Copper ContributorHow would one deploy store application updates through Winget/Intune? The 'Winget Upgrade' command doesn't seem to support the msstore source (yet?).
- Jason_Sandys
The Store app itself is responsible for updating (non-Win32) apps from the Store same as it does today. We have some work to do fully realize the entire solution here for Win32 and non-Win32 apps.
- Rob de RoosIron ContributorM365 applications, especially adding Visio or Project for example to an existing installation of the M365 Apps suite is a somewhat buggy experience now. Will this solution also be able to add certain office addons of maybe even the full M365 apps suite?
- -_RH_-Steel ContributorNo ability to set a dependency on M365 apps is also inexplicably missing. Have an add-in for Outlook/Word/etc.? Sorry, you'll just have to cross your fingers that the Office suite installs first.
- Jason_Sandys
These are great questions and points, but ultimately, the behavior here is defined and dictated by the M365 apps team and is better addressed by them.
- ZebulonSmithIron ContributorWill we ever see a PowerShell module that sits in front of winget.exe? Lots of potential there.
- Jason_Sandys
Yes, this is being tracked on the WinGet GitHub repo.
- Rob de RoosIron ContributorHow is it going to work in Intune for repo's? Are we able to choose specific repo's app admins can search in from the Intune portal?
- Jason_Sandys
In the long run, once we add support for private repositories, yes, that's the intent. Today, in the private preview and for our initial GA, only the Microsoft Store is/will be supported.
- Heather_Poulsen
Community Manager
We’ll continue to answer questions here in the chat for the rest of the half hour and we’ll check back throughout the week. For bonus content, make sure to check out our Technical Takeoff Demo Channel!
- PanuSaukkoIron ContributorWhen will Desktop App installer GPO settings available in Intune's Settings Catalog?
- Joseph_PacinelliCopper ContributorWould also like to know this.
- Jason_Sandys
This is in the backlog and will hopefully be in place (stress on hopefully as it's outside my control) by the time we GA, however, you should be able to use the DesktopAppInstaller settings in the Policy CSP via a custom profile: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/client-management/mdm/policy-csp-desktopappinstaller