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Unpacking Endpoint Management: Set it and forget it? Windows update innovations
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Tuesday, May 23, 2023, 08:00 AM PDTEvent details
So much has happened in the world of Windows servicing over the last year.
A new feature update, update stack, policies, and guidance plus the delivery of continued innovation through servicing technology. Danny and Steve thought it would be a good idea to bring back the Windows Servicing & Delivery team to recap all of the great transformation this past year and perhaps offer a sneak peek at what's coming next. This is also a great opportunity to find out how to streamline update management and improve the experience for your IT team and end users.
We'll be answering your questions live so post them below in the Comments below early and throughout the broadcast.
Bookmark https://aka.ms/UnpackingEndpointManagement for links to previous episodes on demand and details on upcoming episodes. |
Updated Dec 27, 2024
- ms_edrusiBrass ContributorWhat is an alternative to WUFB? We are a ConfigMan shop and need all the control.
- HDenizOccasional ReaderWindows 11 22H2 caused many issues with unresponsiveness and crashes with Microsoft Office Applications. Since they are not 3rd party apps and native Microsoft Apps, why do you think this happened. Perhaps not enough testing wasn't conducted for Win11? (The fix took around 2-3 months before we could re-deploy 22H2 on Win 11 machines)
- lalanc01Iron ContributorHow can we prevent devices from restarting early in the day when users just start to work when deadline happens? Is there a way to force the reboot at the end of the deadline to avoid impacting users that haven't already scheduled their updates prior to the deadline? Thks
- Char_CheesmanBronze Contributor
Thanks for participating in today's episode of Unpacking Endpoint Management! For reference, the panel covered this topic at around 49:40.
- AaronSharpCopper ContributorMicrosoft connected cache on the SCCM DP's is great for my org with limited points of egress with multiple site running on MPLS. When can we expect a public preview of a standalone MCC?
- Char_CheesmanBronze Contributor
Thanks for participating in today's episode of Unpacking Endpoint Management! For reference, the panel covered this topic at around 53:20.
- gwblokIron ContributorWill OOBE ever be configurable to trigger Driver / BIOS updates during that "Checking for Updates" Screen in OOBE, along with applying the latest CU before allowing the user to do first logon? Sometimes after you do a reimage with a basic Windows image, it's missing critical drivers for Windows Hello for Business, so if OOBE would trigger driver updates before initial login, that would be great. Ideally, I'd like to prevent first logon until the device is on the latest CU, even if it means the user sees that "OOBE Checking of Updates" screen longer and a couple of reboots.
- ShawnSSCCopper ContributorThe new WUfB reporting is great and provides good information but the data is only updated once a day. We sometime need to report back on patch compliance multiple times a day when there's a zero day vulnerability. Is there plan to allow more frequent reporting?
- Char_CheesmanBronze Contributor
Thanks for participating in today's episode of Unpacking Endpoint Management! For reference, the panel covered this topic at around 47:35.
- ShawnSSCCopper ContributorI understand that the current report is offered for free but we would probably be open to pay for the additional data ingest. Something similar to the data collected from Event Viewer. We can specify what frequency we require and manage our own data ingest cost. We could event ramp up the reporting frequency when we need the data and slow down the reporting when we don't need quick reporting.
- Seamus EnrightCopper Contributor
What we've done for specific vulnerabilities is use Intune proactive remediation looking for specific patches installed or something like that. It doesn't give all the cool things of WUfB, but can be helpful for specific patch things.
- VanakenJBrass ContributorWhen will Driver Update management, released Februari 14th and since available via Graph API, be available in Intune ?
- treestryderSteel Contributor
WARNING, this is a question about reporting. Does the "Commercial ID" still need to be set for "Windows Update for Business Reports"? Only our older computers once setup for "Windows Update Compliance" seem to be reporting in. The "Commercial ID" is not mentioned in the new documentation.
- Char_CheesmanBronze Contributor
Thanks for participating in today's episode of Unpacking Endpoint Management! For reference, the panel covered this topic at around 32:10.
- treestryderSteel Contributor
These are the instructions I followed, and simplified our past configuration to match, Settings Catalog, with Full Telemetry. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/deployment/update/wufb-reports-configuration-intune
- treestryderSteel Contributor
David_Guyer 's question about Defender showing "Reboot Pending" is happening to us. In fact, this is how we found our newer PCs are not reporting in to "Windows Update for Business Reports".
- Heather_Poulsen
Community Manager
Great questions so far - keep them coming!
- Chad AlbertCopper ContributorWhat is possible, if anything, if our Dell BIOS updates require a BIOS password right now?
- Char_CheesmanBronze Contributor
Thanks for participating in today's episode of Unpacking Endpoint Management! For reference, the panel covered this topic at around 29:20.