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Windows Autopilot: notes from the field
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Tuesday, Oct 25, 2022, 07:00 AM PDTEvent details
Join Microsoft’s Customer Acceleration Team to discuss key learnings from our most complex customers. Take your Windows Autopilot use to the next level by walking through detailed use cases, avoiding common mistakes, and walking through troubleshooting steps that will save you time and improve efficiency.
This session is part of the Microsoft Technical Takeoff: Windows + Intune. Add it to your calendar, RSVP for event reminders, and post your questions and comments below! This session will also be recorded and available on demand shortly after conclusion of the live event. |
Updated Dec 27, 2024
- nmidlaneCopper Contributor
Please can you add an option to force autopilot to upgrade a device straight to Windows 11 for enterprise, why is it limited to home and pro?https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/topic/kb5005716-out-of-box-experience-update-for-windows-10-version-2004-20h2-21h1-and-21h2-october-4-2021-4d3c3e9c-b636-49fd-9d79-3b027dfbaf8f (Note I have never managed to get this to show up even with a pro or home device at the rights version),
- nmidlaneCopper ContributorNo sure the relevance of the link. My point is if a machine runs through autopilot and is Pro version, Microsoft have added the option where it prompts to go staright to WIndows 11 ( as per the link I shared, not that I have got it to work), with Enterprise you have to complete autopilot in Windows 10 and then wait for the upgrade policies to kick in and move to Windows 11. Its not about if the device supports Windows 11 they do, I just want a single process not autopilot then upgrade.
- Paul_WoodwardIron ContributorWe have machines being sent from a reseller, and the first time we Autopilot them, they go through the standard OOBE - asked about location services, telemetry, and so on. The sign on screen is generic, not specific to our Tenant. Only after they are well into the process do they get the ESP. If you don't sign in to the generic login screen and reboot them, sooner or later they suddenly realise they are Autopilot and offer the correct sign on screen. After that, even after a device reset, they always do the right thing. What can we do to fix this and deliver a consistent end user experience?
- TomislavPeharecCopper ContributorWe are experiencing this occasionally with some devices, sometimes users don't even report that during the onboarding and devices end up in such state. Devices certainly have Autopilot profile assigned and everything looks properly set up, anyone maybe who figured out what is the reason here?
- silvermarkg_PersonalCopper ContributorDouble check the Autopilot profile is assigned to the device before booting it.
- Paul_WoodwardIron ContributorThey are. They are in Autopilot days/weeks before we get them, with a GroupTag, so the dynamic group and profile assignments are all good.
- JamesEppIron ContributorHave you fixed the Shift + F10 problem of auto pilot yet?
- Cristina_Osorio
Hi James, I would like to know more about what you mean by 'problem'. Please, feel free to reach out to me via private message
- Chad SimmonsIron ContributorAt the 10:00 mark, @Herman specifically asked for feedback on the OOBE Experience Design. Unfortunately, the feedback form at https://aka.ms/AutopilotFeedback does not have a specific question/field for this (question #6 is close, but not the same). The proposed "limited" experience is good for the default view; however, there should be a button/link like the current experience has to "view details". When viewing details, it would be helpful to have A LOT more details, technical details, that can be used for basic troubleshooting and understanding of what is happening before you have to dig into log files, etc.
- Cristina_Osorio
Thanks for pointing this out, Chad. I have added another question at the end of the form so you can add any other information.- Paul_WoodwardIron Contributore.g. "Installing App 1 of 5" is not useful. I need to know what apps it is going to install, and which ones are complete, and which one is in progress. Even if it's just AppID - right now I have to use get-autopilotdiagnostics.ps1 to get this info, it should be easier.
- GaryBaerBrass ContributorWhy can't we set time zone during autopilot?
- EricOhlinIron ContributorWe're currently using a custom PowerShell script that utilizes an API to a geo IP lookup service (that we pay $ for), and then we correlate that to a timezone service.
- EricOhlinIron ContributorYes! This is very much needed.
- Greg_C_GilbertIron ContributorAdding time zone selection with the region and keyboard screens would be a great enhancement.
- PatL_28KCopper ContributorAgreed very much with Gary and Greg's comments
- SimoneTacCopper ContributorWe are seeing TPM Attestation error issue. The Intune Service Health reports issue should be solved by end of October. when we can expect to be fully solved Is there any particular HW configuration/TPM Chipset brand that can be impacted more?
- Herman_Arnedo_Byrne
Hi Simone, I would like to know more about what you mean by 'TPM Attestation error issue'. Please, feel free to reach out to me via private message
- Herman_Arnedo_Byrne
Thank you for attending 'Windows Autopilot – Notes from the field' session during Microsoft Technical Takeoff event! We would appreciate your feedback around the following topics presented during the session. https://aka.ms/autopilotfeedback
Thank you for watching and see you in a next session!
- Drizz_coopBrass ContributorFeels disjointed, assigning esp, Profile, co-management, Domain join profile, when you are used to assembling a task seq. just my thought.
- edr1986Copper ContributorOption A indeed. Show at least very quickly which app is failing.
- Nicol HanekomBrass ContributorHow about giving customers the ability to upload custom images or text to display on the left side of the screen during autopilot instead of the generic MS images.
- Rob de RoosIron ContributorThat indeed could be helpfull for adoption for example.