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Microsoft Project and Planner AMA
Event Ended
Wednesday, May 10, 2023, 09:00 AM PDTEvent details
Join us for this AMA to learn about new and upcoming features for Project for the web, Planner, and Tasks that can help you run projects more efficiently for successful delivery and engage with product experts.
Project for the web supports simplified planning, collaboration, and dynamic scheduling while providing visibility across projects to help you execute with greater agility so you and your team can deliver impactful results.
If you manage complex projects across your organization, need better ways to manage tasks, or just getting started, this event is for you. In this session, you will:
- Hear about the latest features and get a peek into the future.
- See demos of the new and upcoming features.
- Engage with the product team to answer your questions and listen to your feedback.
At this AMA, learn how our new and upcoming features can help you stay organized and deliver results across projects of varying complexity with Microsoft’s connected project experiences.
We have a request for the amazing community, please help us understand your needs and challenges better by filling this small survey below. Would help us to prioritize the features effectively and make Project for web better.
Updated Dec 27, 2024
- Neil_IlesCopper Contributor
Nice update. However, we have just deployed the full Microsoft PftW Power App capability into the Power Platform, based on the Microsoft Roadmap of future developments that were promised late last year and earlier this year (e.g. Teams integration, seeing project tasks in ToDo etc). Now we are told that our deployed PftW App is not able to take advantage of the these new integration features as it is not in the "default environment". On top of that, the hours and cost of the work we have put into to developing our maturity in using our PftW Environment and the quantity of projects we have setup, none of these are able to be migrated to the "default environment" at all. Meaning we have to start again, or we have to choose to continue without any of the integration capabilities. We feel we have been misled by Microsoft's promotion of a full Project for the Web capability, with full PPM capabilities and integrated PowerBi reporting, but we now cannot use any of planned integration features.
At least give us the ability to export our existing PftW projects from our environment and then import them into the "default environment" where these integrations are possible.- Ian BrucknerIron ContributorI've had to temper my excitement and expectations since their launch of P4W as it being an eventual replacement for Project Online. Turns out it's an eveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeentual, probably, replacement. We just started dipping our toes into the water to give team members visibility and access into tasks so they hopefully take ownership of them instead of standing up shadow trackers in gitlab, asana, etc. But for now, anything in P4W needs to also exist in Project Online for us so we don't lose that maturity... so the cruddy part is that we have dual entry / maintenance of systems... all while trying to keep costs down since EDU licensing, despite msft's promises on their web pages that you don't need to have different licensing... in EDU you do and requires a substantial increase in licensing costs for us despite getting minimal increased value from a "planner on steroids" So since we're not licensing everyone since it costs so much more, we really just have a prettier web-based view of what we'd normally have done in project-desktop... but all our employees are expecting full-featured modern tools like Monday.com, gitlab, asana, etc.
- MyProjectToGoOccasional ReaderCurrently our organization has migrated to Azure for development of new application as well as providing transparency on the effort for our business partners. How would the new Project integrate with AzureDevOps?
- LlysightCopper ContributorMy org is exploring middleware vendors like One Plan and PPM Express to connect and report on both datasets.
- AnavSilverman
Thanks for the question. Are you familiar with the Project integration within the Roadmap capability? See here for more info: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/video-connect-a-row-to-azure-boards-e1249ef2-1acd-4fb6-b8e5-58f3ce455483.- Brian-Smith
Depending on your scenario you might also want to take a look at what you could do with Power Automate to sync between ADO and Project. Not too many built in actions, but you can use the Dataverse and Schedule API through some custom actions.
- atrain204Steel ContributorWill Planner boards ever get activity and/or version history?
- AlexanderLahuerta
Hi Alex, we don't currently have Task History in Planner on our roadmap. We're starting with adding it to Project. Based on user feedback, we'll see what we need to add to make it even more useful.
- nicole50Copper ContributorIn Project Online we can use timesheet. But do you create a feature for timesheet in Project for the Web?
- Ramesh_Maruthupandian
Hi Nicole, Thanks for the inputs. We do not have Timesheet available out of box on Project for the Web. However, Project for the web can be extended using 3rd party solutions to provide Timesheet capabilities.- Richard_ProtivixOccasional ReaderWe have an integrated timesheet solution built with Power Apps if you are needing one. Email me at richard.cano@protivix.com
- Brent SmithCopper ContributorP4W observation: although the new Assignments view is great within the scheduling UI, the daily PlannedEffort of a resource is not available for reporting. The msdyn_plannedwork (json) field within the msdyn_resourceassignment table in dataverse, in fact, contains RemainingWork/Effort and NOT PlannedWork/Effort. When will timephased datasets for PlannedWork/Effort be made available for reporting. We cannot generate planned Availability or Utilization without it. tx
- testingtheCopper ContributorWill there be anything analogous to Project Sites native in Project for the Web? I'm thinking risks, issues, and documents. I don't want to have to go into Power Apps to (manually?) do so.
- sidhant_rahi
Currently, we can add project level risks and issues in project tables via Power app view. Sure, we will look into how we can shape these features in native project for web.. thanks for the feedback, help us understand a bit more - you are talking about tasks level or project level risks / issues in native project web view?- testingtheCopper ContributorI mean project-level risks and issues. I don't think someone who is looking at their schedule in Project for the Web today would know where/how to add a risk or issue to their schedule.
- Daniel_StraubCopper ContributorIs the Project history function available now and if yes is it only available on the default environment or on all environments?
- AlexanderLahuerta
Hi Daniel, task history will be available in Project for all types of Dataverse environments. We're wrapping up work on it now. Look out for the announcement on the Project Blog.- John_HooverIron ContributorAlexander, will this effectively be like creating a baseline in Project Desktop? So that you can go back an reference original target start/finish dates later on, for a project with significant schedule changes?
- msabir01Copper ContributorAnything related to cost allocation or monitoring too?
- Adrian_Jenkins
Hi, can you elaborate more on what you're looking for with regards to costs? PFTW doesn't integrate costs into tasks and assignments today; what do you envision?- msabir01Copper ContributorHi Adrian, that was the question, why they don't integrate costs too?
- sidhant_rahi
can you explain a bit more about your requirements for Monitoring?
For cost fields, it can be added via power platform in project table.
- msabir01Copper ContributorHi Sidhant, how to monitor budgets? Like one can monitor efforts?
- Hughes818Iron Contributor
Loop tasks during a meeting...yet another tool for creating tasks?...I wish I could add an emoji here....I'm just shaking my head. If Microsoft has a Vision with all of this...please, please, please, communicate what it is and how all the task tools fit together and seamlessly provide that one source of truth for execution and monitoring. I don't know about everyone else, but right now I feel completely defeated in trying to help end users understand all of this...cuz I can't even get my head wrapped around it all.
- HowardCrow
Loop tasks synch into Planner - this has been described multiple times when meeting notes was launched. As people have answered a few times on here: just open the Tasks in Teams app - and all your work will be in there - including Loop, Meetings, Project, Planner and To Do. Its pretty straightforward.
- kunalyadavBrass ContributorIn PftW - Is it possible to freeze the effort column as baseline and then changing the balance required effort only ?
- Adrian_Jenkins
Hi, it's not possible to freeze the effort values. We certainly envision providing the ability to set baselines. Can you describe the "and then changing the balance required effort only" part of your comment.