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Lifecycle management: Windows 365, Windows Autopatch, and ESUs | Windows in the Cloud

Event Ended
Wednesday, Apr 10, 2024, 08:00 AM PDT

Event details

Explore how Windows 365 and Windows Autopatch can simplify lifecycle management for Windows. Learn how you can keep your Cloud PCs updated and protected— with no hassle or interruption. Also, find out how you can use the Extended Security Update (ESU) program for Windows 10 with Windows 365 to prolong use of your existing devices and applications as you move to Windows 11 and the cloud. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how to create a lifecycle management approach that can help your business grow!

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Catch up on demand and dive into Windows 365 capabilities with insights and demos from the Microsoft engineers bringing you Windows in the cloud! Learn how to easily deploy and manage Cloud PCs—and create a protected and productive experience for your end users! Join host Christiaan Brinkhoff as he also brings in members of the Windows 365 community to share best practices and adoption tips.

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Updated Dec 27, 2024
  • Shaun291169's avatar
    Copper Contributor
    The Win10 ESU capability on client endpoints when using Win11 Windows 365 desktops - did I hear the release date is October 2025? If so, isnt this a bit late as this is also the date for EOS for Win10 and therefore there is no time to test that the Win10 security updates are actually being pushed out to the Win10 client device before the Win10 EOS date!! Did I miss something or is this statement correct?
  • Nigel's avatar
    Iron Contributor
    Will give you a thumbs up for that trick 😉
Date and Time
Apr 10, 20248:00 AM - 8:30 AM PDT