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Windows Server v.Next AMA
Event Ended
Thursday, Jan 25, 2024, 09:00 AM PSTEvent details
Our engineering team is hard at work on features for the next Windows Server! In this AMA, you’ll get a chance to ask any questions and give feedback to our program managers about what we’re curr...
Updated Jan 19, 2024
Jan 25, 2024Iron Contributor
What are your plans for the AD CS role?
- NedPyleJan 25, 2024
Hi. There are no significant announcements for Windows Server vNext AD Certificate Services role. Right now the headline is Intune PKI https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/microsoft-intune-blog/microsoft-cloud-pki-launches-as-a-new-addition-to-the-microsoft/ba-p/3982830- Karl-WEJan 30, 2024MVPWhat could be helpful is a WAC extension Ned. AD CS MMC isn't playing nice when managing one that has hundreds of certs. (Performance / UX). Sometimes MMC may crash or cause unexpected behaviour like bulk selection and cease operation of certs. Generally housekeeping could be improved in a WAC extension. The existing one for local certs is really promising.
- NedPyleJan 30, 2024
WAC probably wouldn't be better, but I hear you, and have some initial plans in this space. For managing hundreds (and thousands) of certs I usually point to CERTUTIL and the powershell, tbh.