我的服务器提供商技术部门检测我的服务器端一切正常,但自从我更新了你们新的RDclent的版本以后就一直链接不到服务器地址了! 以前没更新以前用的好好的,均可以正常使用! 麻烦你们解决一下这个严重的BUG
这个是界面登录不是去的报错提示! 上一张图是我的服务器登录地址! 没更新以前能用,现在基本废掉了… … 无语🤦前两天登上了一下!!! 今天又不行了!!!
的BUG 必须修复!!!
- TaniaMariscal
Status changed:NewtoClosedThis forum is focused on Azure Virtual Desktop Feedback. The Windows App feedback has transitioned to https://aka.ms/app_WindowsAppFeedback. If you are running into issues, we recommend to share your problem on our Tech Community forum (https://aka.ms/wvdtc) or open a support ticket after you have reviewed the troubleshooting options in our documentation (Windows Virtual Desktop troubleshooting overview - Azure | Microsoft Docs)
- jackyyauLearn Expert
Did you try to have another machine to do the RDP? The error shows that you didnt enable RDP Connection. The second reason may be you have Firewall enabled in your client machine. This may because of the upgrade turn the Firewall enabled