"Microsoft Teams"
8 TopicsDeep links for published apps ignoring entityId in the new Microsoft Teams client
For apps already published in the Microsoft Teams store, deep links to personal static tabs are not working correctly in the new Teams client. To reproduce: - Paste a link to a personal tab of an app in the channel chat. - Click on link in new Teams web client. - Note that the link takes you to the app, but it always loads the first static tab in the app, ignoring the entityId provided in the link. - Try clicking on the link in the old Teams web client. - Note that you are now correctly redirected to the personal static tab associated with the entityId in the link. Sample link: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/entity/6eacb5f0-68b0-46f0-9507-9e906c6861fc/about However, if I try this same use case on a custom uploaded app (not published), I am correctly redirected to the appropriate static tab. I am using the following documentation for building the link - https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/platform/concepts/build-and-test/deep-link-application?tabs=teamsjs-v2#configure-deep-link-to-browse-within-your-app-manually857Views0likes6CommentsNew Microsoft Teams issue, This bot is disabled. Contact your IT admin for more information
This issue is happening only on new Microsoft Teams desktop application for some selected users. It works fine with old Teams classic and new browser application for all users. Senario: When an effected users click on adaptive card button, user is getting error "This bot is disabled. Contact your IT admin for more information". Also issue gets resolved automatic after few hours. Then some other set of users start facing the same issue.3.5KViews0likes12CommentsDesktop Teams does not seem to recognize Custom URLs
In the old classic Desktop Teams app I had the below code to open a custom URL. window.open('mydev://record?DB=7&URI=1', '_blank', 'noopener noreferrer'); This will redirect to the default browser and ask to open the URL in the installed app. After switching to new Teams it is not working for Desktop teams. Tried with app.openLink(url) also. It works with browser-based teams. but not from Desktop teams in windows platform. Any alternative for this?282Views0likes0CommentsTools in Teams AI Library
Hello Team, In LLM we use tools like DynamicTool, DynamicStructuredTool to determine when to call which function and with what parameters. How to do the same using Teams AI Library? My Use Case: I want to find the intent from the user query and based on that intent further call the respective function/tool to perform respective action. How can I achieve this using Teams AI Library? I went through the samples mentioned here: https://github.com/microsoft/teams-ai/blob/main/js/samples/04.ai-apps/ but couldn't find anything similar.1.2KViews0likes10CommentsNumber of participants is reported inaccurately on CallRecord endpoint
We have been pulling CallRecord data via Graph API for analysis. One particular record grabbed our attention. According to the JSON return from Graph API there were 40 participants and 60 sessions. However, the online CQD dashboards showed over 120 participants for the call. So we started to troubleshoot and noticed that our logic does not support the session "nextLink" and there were more than 60 sessions for this group call. We fixed it; so now we can support the pagination. However, the "participants" array field in the JSON return still shows 40 participants. We checked all the returns from Graph API. Only the first return that we made against the call-id has the participants section; the rest of the paginated returns for session does not even have a participants section. They only include the session and segment info. I think subsequent returns do not even have the stream metric details either. So is this a expected behavior? Do we need to call the link in nextLink section differently, so that the return includes all the participant data? Thanks1.4KViews0likes12CommentsTeams-js navigateToApp function navigates to Activity tab
Hey there! I work on teams app (react js) with notification bot. I have two tabs - one is configurable(team) tab, the other is static (personal) tab. I want to have a button in configurable tab which should navigate user to a static tab. I use Deleted/teams-js and its pages.navigateToApp function( pages.navigateToApp({ appId: APP_ID, pageId: PAGE_ID, subPageId: SUB_PAGE_ID }) ). But instead of navigating me to the app's tab, it navigates me to Activity tab Deeplinks work fine, but navigateToApp works weird, when i reset the Teams client cache it starts working as expected, but not for long Here's my manifest: { "$schema": "https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/json-schemas/teams/v1.12/MicrosoftTeams.schema.json", "manifestVersion": "1.12", "version": "1.0.10", "id": "xxx", "packageName": "com.microsoft.teams.extension", "developer": { "name": "xxx", "websiteUrl": "xxx", "privacyUrl": "xxx", "termsOfUseUrl": "xxx", "mpnId": "xxx" }, "icons": { "color": "resources/color.png", "outline": "resources/outline.png" }, "name": { "short": "xxx", "full": "xxx" }, "description": { "short": "xxx", "full": "xxx" }, "accentColor": "#F0F0F0", "bots": [ { "botId": "xxx", "scopes": [ "team", "personal" ], "isNotificationOnly": true, "supportsCalling": false, "supportsVideo": false, "supportsFiles": false, "commandLists": [] } ], "configurableTabs": [ { "canUpdateConfiguration": true, "configurationUrl": "xxx", "scopes": [ "team" ], "context": [ "channelTab" ] } ], "staticTabs": [ { "entityId": "xxx", "scopes": [ "personal" ], "context": [ "personalTab" ], "name": "xxx", "contentUrl": "xxx", "websiteUrl": "xxx", "searchUrl": "xxx" } ], "permissions": [ "identity", "messageTeamMembers" ], "validDomains": [ "xxx" ], "webApplicationInfo": { "id": "xxxx", "resource": "api://xxx/xxx" }, "defaultInstallScope": "team" } Teams client version: 24004.1304.2655.7488 Deleted/teams-js version: 2.14.0 Does anybody know how to fix this?571Views0likes1CommentProblem with Bot configuration - Agent returned unsuccessful status code InternalServerError
I have a problem with the configuration of the bot in message-extension. I am using the app in MS Teams for both the bot (message-extension in channels only) and tabs for personal use. Everything locally worked. As I published for the organization, only tabs works, message-extension does not respond to the query and to the others, that is, the whole for the bot solution does not work. After checking in the console, I see something like this: Locally for the bot, I use the Bot Framework implemented by https://dev.teams.microsoft.com/, while the production version of the bot is generated for Azure as Azure Bot. This is the configuration I have for env local files: For the production version, on the other hand, I have these: In addition, the Bot was converted to ES6 language, I defined it in package.json to read the type as a module: The manifest.json is set up like this: ... I'm missing an idea of what to set in Azure or what to set in code to make message-extension start responding to user requests.... Could you advise me?1.1KViews0likes4CommentsWebhook Messages are not delivering New Relic Notifications
We integrated New Relic Notifications to Teams Via Webhook and the notifications started failing randomly with error "Webhook message delivery failed with error: Microsoft Teams endpoint returned HTTP error 400 with ContextId 01=2" The notifications are failing randomly whenever a new alert is in activated state . No notifications are failing when the state is changed to closed. JSON Payload : { "type":"message", "attachments":[ { "contentType":"application/vnd.microsoft.card.adaptive", "contentUrl": null, "content":{ "$schema":"http://adaptivecards.io/schemas/adaptive-card.json", "type":"AdaptiveCard", "$data":{ "age" : "17" }, "version":"1.6", "body":[ { "type": "Container", "items": [ { "type": "TextBlock", "size": "Large", "weight": "Bolder", "wrap" : true, "text": {{ json priority }}, "color": "Attention" }, { "type": "TextBlock", "weight": "Bolder", "text": {{ json annotations.title.[0] }}, "wrap": true }, { "type": "FactSet", "facts": [ { "title": "Alert State", "value": {{ json state }} } ] }, { "type": "Image", "url": {{json violationChartUrl}}, "altText" : "Image missing", "style" : "default" }, { "type": "FactSet", "facts": [ { "title": "Incidents", "value": {{json totalIncidents}} }, { "title": "Impacted Entity", "value": {{json entitiesData.names.[0] }} }, { "title": "Condition", "value": {{ json accumulations.conditionName.[0] }} }, { "title": "Policy", "value": {{ json accumulations.policyName.[0] }} } ] } ] } ], "actions": [ { "type": "Action.OpenUrl", "title": "Open Alert", "url": {{ json issuePageUrl }} } ] } } ] }1.6KViews0likes5Comments