42 TopicsMS Access Handling Nulls In Query Formula
Hi all, I have this formula in Access: IIf([Init_Static_P] < 0 And (Nz([Adj_Static_P], -9999) < 0), "Resolved", "Not resolved" which keeps outputting an #Error when Adj_Static_P is null which will happen. I need the nulls in my dataset. Whenever Init_Static_P is < 0 and or Adj_Static_P is < 0, it works as it should outputting "Resolved" and vicer versa, however it does not work whenever there is any instance of Adj_Static_P as a blank value. Does anyone know how I can handle the nulls so that if the Init_Static_P is >0 and Adj_Static_P is null, then it would output "Unresolved", and if Init_Static_P is <0 and Adj_Static_P is null then it would output "Resolved" instead of #Error? Output should be as follows: Init_Static_P Adj_Static_P Result >0 Null "Not resolved" >0 >0 "Not resolved" <0 Null "Resolved" <0 < 0 "Resolved" Thanks in advance! <3139Views0likes3CommentsInconsistent Results Referencing Nested Subreport Property
I have placed several subreports in an unbound report's Report Header. Each subreport has two subreports. I'm trying to get the value of the Top property of the first of these sub-subreports, but I'm getting inconsistent results. The reference I'm (currently) using in the OnLoad event of the main report is: intSubSubTop = Me.Controls(strSub1).Report.Controls(strSubSub1).Top This works perfectly when I switch from Design View to Print View, but I get a runtime error (2455: the expression "has an invalid reference to the property Form/Report") when I open the report from the navigation pane. What's the difference between these two actions? I've tried different variations to no avail. What do I need to do to make it work consistently? I'm using Access 2010 on Windows 10 Pro396Views0likes5CommentsLink a table from MS Fabric
Is it possible to link a table stored in MS Fabric Dataflow Gen2 to an Access database? The data set is roughly 500k rows of data. FYI I'm not trying to link Fabric FROM an Access database. Rather I would like to work with the data in MS Access. Any help would be appreciated.280Views0likes0CommentsMS Access 2010 crasing on moving from Form Open to Form Design
Hi all, I have Office 2010 and use Access for hobby use. Lately, the database is crashing when I click on the screen header and select Design View from a Form View. I have attempted to - Compact and Repair the database (no improvement) Uninstalled Office 2010 and re-installed and updated (no improvement) Checked previous dbs known to be free of the problem (no improvement) Installed update 2553385 as recommended by Microsoft (no improvement) The crash always leaves the .laccdb open which stops re-opening the db without first removing the file using Task Manager. I do a lot of work on the db in my retirement, for my personal use (Garden related application) and it is a main hobby which keeps me sane and brain cells occupied. Has anyone got a solution for this problem? I would really appreciate any assistance. Dave Eyley4.1KViews0likes17CommentsAccess 2010 Runtime install issues Win 10
I am having trouble installing Access 2010 runtime on my Dell Precision tower. I can install it on all of my other Dells, except this brand new one. It looks like I am getting this error message AccessRT.enus\AccessRTMUI.MSI could not be found message. Let me know what else you would need. I can provide the SetupExe(xxxxx).log file.773Views0likes0CommentsAccess Europe meeting on Wed 6 Sept - Database Analyzer and other tools
The next Access Europe meeting will be on Wednesday 6 Sept 2023 starting at 18:00 UK time (6PM UTC+1) and finishing at about 19:15 (7.15PM) The start time is equivalent to 19:00 (7PM) in Central Europe and 10AM in Seattle / PST Please note that the UK is now on Summer Time (UTC+1). For local times, please check https://www.worldtimebuddy.com/ In this month's session, I will be demonstrating my new Database Analyzer Pro application. The free evaluation version is now available for download from the above link on my website If time permits, I will also be discussing a number of related Access examples and code samples such as: • the use of progress bars • creating a table of contents in Access reports • the undocumented SaveAsText/LoadFromText features • changing query views using command bars code For more details about this session, see: https://accessusergroups.org/europe/event/access-europe-2023-09-06/ or https://isladogs.co.uk/aeu-19/ The meeting will again be held on Zoom. When the time comes, you can connect using: Join Zoom Meeting. If you are asked, use: Meeting ID: 924 3129 5683 ; Passcode: 661210 For more connection options, please see the AccessUserGroups.org web page for this event All sessions are recorded and later uploaded to the Access User Groups channel on YouTube I hope you will join us for this month's session. As always, the session will be recorded and the video uploaded to YouTube after the event NOTE: I regret that the planned presentation on Better Access Charts by Thomas Moller originally scheduled for Wed 6 Sept has been postponed until further notice.894Views1like2CommentsMigration Access DB to Latest Version of Access DB dbo. vs dbo_
Hi All, I am migrating an older version of access db to a latest version. My database is split into two frontend and backend. The backend is stored in a 2000 SQL Server. While doing so the frontend .mdb is getting converted smoothly but not able to convert the Backend SQL Server DB. Questions are: a. How do I connect the SQL Server DB (backend) into new access db instance. b. The Linked Table Manager doesn't show anything. Not even the System or User Data Sources Names c. All table names are converted into dbo_ from dbo. Highly appreciate your help in this usecase. Regards, SB903Views0likes2CommentsMulti-Select List Box - sort when transferring values to field/row
Hi everyone, I’m trying to transfer the contents of a multi-select list box to a row/field with commas separating the values. I’ve done this using the MS Access 2010 wizard and it seems to work as I wanted without code - except I cannot get the values to transfer in a specific sort order. They seem to transfer in alphabetical or numerical order by default. frm_Tasks based on tbl_Tasks has a field called “Res”. frm_Resources based on tbl_Resources has a list box called “ResList”. So if the user selects “Shovel” and “Fork” from ResList I would like that to be stored in Res as “Shovel, Fork” not “Fork, Shovel”. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Regards, John.1KViews0likes4CommentsAccess noob - but I sure need some help
Hello - I have Access 365 on my laptop (I recently discovered). At work, I use Access 2010. I saved my database (that I did not build) and opened it on my laptop. I got the dangerous MACROS error and followed Microsoft suggestion to go to Properties of the file and UNBLOCK. Then I added Trusted file locations. So the database is all there, but FORMS will not run. Error message says the objectname is pointing to an object that is closed. Autoexec, Form, Find a Record and Inventory all give me error messages - all different. Also - coincidentally, the Access 2010 version on the desktop is now also giving me an error message when I try to open Forms - that says I may be in a read-only database or unconverted database.. The only thing I have done on the DB today was save it. ANY HELP is appreciated. My boss is going to have a cow.999Views0likes3Commentshelp acces office 365
hello if we say that I am a beginner I want to make the database I already have the table that is with the relevant data of a person name surname etc but I want that search bar that I look for a name and then the data of the person appears I don't know if it is possible for you to send me a video or the step by step to make that search bar work, please, and also do the same as the template you have, but there is some data that doesn't work for me, so no I know how to do it626Views0likes0Comments