APIs and Services
14 TopicsApp has been deleted from the shelves??
Hello, What's the reason that our product is deleted from the Microsoft Store? Please tell us what we should do. And we can't edit anything now, No one has responded to our message yet, and it's been two days already Why doesn't anyone help us with this problem? Please reply to us as soon as possible.Cloud Partner Portal API to Partner Center submission API migration question
Hello there! I'm migrating Partner Center integration from the Cloud Partner Portal API (CPP) to the Partner Center submission API's because the first one has been deprecated. Now I am struggling to retrieve Azure Virtual Machine Offer Information. I need to retrieve Plan data but cannot find a suitable endpoint. How do I achieve that? Can someone contact me?SolvedMultiple issues under Partner Center
I'm experiencing several issues under the partner centre that may be linked. The AI Assistant and Support icon in the toolbar is not visible, but the link works. After completing a few details in the Assistant and the trying the Contact Support button, it does nothing. If I select the Help & Support menu option, I do not get any kind of 'raise new ticket' button I have the correct support permissions I'm trying to access these items because I cannot renew my MAPS subscription. I am informed that: "No billing profile linked to your Microsoft AI Could Partner Program account" There is a start button below, but when this is clicked, the output of the screen becomes disorganized, and there is no way of progressing. It's also not highlighted like a normal button would be - it's literally just plain text. So kind of stuck in a loop! I can't log a ticket to address the issues - and I can't renew either! Not sure what happens if my membership lapses - but could be a major inconvenience. Any suggestions?SolvedEmployment verification problem
Although we've sent a Cloudflare domain renewal invoice with: Domain name Exact company name Exact address My within 12 months I can't get past this employment verification step. I've tried "Fix Now" and exhausted that, and support thread provided no help. What should I do?Downloading software requiring activation codes, for future use.
I am downloading software from the Silver program and am wondering about the ones which require activation fees. When I select "Get Keys" will it provide me with a number of keys equal to the number of activations I have that I can use anytime I want to install the software? Or do I need to be ready with the software already installed when I get keys?SolvedPartnerCenter Rest Api WebHooks
Hi everyone, I’m using the webhooks of partnercenter rest api, but there is a problem compared to what described in the technical specifications. In the documentation https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/partner-center/developer/partner-center-webhook-events#createtransfer-event it is specified that the ResourceUri consists of "{baseURL}/webhooks/v{version}/customers/{customer_id}/transfers/{transfer_id}" but this is not the case! The notifications come with a ResourceUri "{baseURL}/webhooks/v{version}/customers/{customer_id}" and this creates a problem as it is not possible to trace the TrasferId in a safe way. Please can someone fix it?How can I get private offer info base on subscription Id?
When a customer places an order using a private offer link and the Landing Page is configured, I can obtain the current SubscriptionId. However, when I use this subscriptionId to get the subscription detail (https://marketplaceapi.microsoft.com/api/saas/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}?api-version=2018-08-31), the returned offerId is the public offerId, NOT the private offerId. How can I obtain the private offerId? Or where did I go wrong? In fact, I want to obtain the price information set for the private offer using the private offerId. Thank you! { "id": "test", "publisherId": "publisherId", "offerId": "public_offer_id", "name": "name", "saasSubscriptionStatus": "Subscribed", "beneficiary": { "emailId": "", "objectId": "", "tenantId": "", "puid": "" }, "purchaser": { "emailId": "", "objectId": "", "tenantId": "", "puid": "" }, "planId": "planId", "term": { "startDate": "2024-07-18T00:00:00Z", "endDate": "2025-07-17T00:00:00Z", "termUnit": "P1Y" }, "autoRenew": true, "isTest": false, "isFreeTrial": false, "allowedCustomerOperations": [ "Delete", "Read", "Update" ], "sandboxType": "None", "created": "2024-07-18", "lastModified": "0001-01-01T00:00:00", "quantity": 4, "sessionMode": "None" }Microsoft Partner Center API Sku Property
Hello everyone, We need the SKU IDs, and currently, they are coming in the following format: 0002. However, for our invoicing process, we need them in this format: P73-08328. Could you let us know which API(s) we can use to obtain the IDs in the required format?SolvedMissing Microsoft Partner (4990cffe-04e8-4e8b-808a-1175604b879f) API permission
Hello, When I try to follow the documentation to add API permissions to an application that I registered, I am unable to find the API permission Microsoft Partner (4990cffe-04e8-4e8b-808a-1175604b879f). My aim is to use Referral APIs to manage opportunities. When I try to find the Enterprise Application service principal in 'Browse Microsoft Entra Gallery' I still cannot find it. Please look at the screenshots below. Need help here, stuck here since long time and I didn't get the right help from Microsoft support even after trying multiple times.Microsoft Windows Hardware Developer Program
Dear all, I am writing this because I just created a new startup together with my co-founder, where we are developing a new kind of software to secure transactions in digital assets with. Long story short, we have a driver that needs to be signed, but it is our first time doing so & are looking for accurate info from someone who has experience with it. Would you be so kind & help us answer the following questions: - Do you know how long it takes to get your EV certificate? - Do you know how long it takes the Microsoft Hardware Developer Program to sign your driver? - Does the latter cost you anything? Thanks a million in advance, MJSolved