7 TopicsStudents viewing feedback before teacher hits "return"
Hi I have just tested the functionality and as some other people have identified, students can view feedback as and when teachers add comments or highlight the attached documents in an assignment. As a teacher, there are times when this is okay, but other times when it would make Teams unsuitable. When students submit exams or coursework teachers need the ability to edit and provide feedback within the document (by adding comments, or highlighting) in draft mode, before it is visible to the students. Since this has been an identified issue since 2018, as far as I can see from previous comments, I was hoping that there is a workaround or a setting that can be applied to achieve this. Please confirm. Best wishes, Gareth2.7KViews1like5CommentsTeams for Education: Sending assignment to a group and problem on chat screen
Hi. We've created student groups on Office365 admin panel. And then when we want to send homework to a particular group of students, we can not see the group name on the list! We have email groups for each classroom like 1A, 1B... For example, i teach in multiple classes and i created a team and added my all students, then created channels for each class. And when i create an assignment and want to select group 1A or 2B for instance. Unfortunately i can not see that name of group on the list. What can we do? And second problem is Why video and voice call are inactive? Why it doesn't appear?903Views0likes0CommentsAdd more than 20 students to an assignment
Hi there Rather than assigning an assignment to all students, I'm trying to add a group of 20+ students to it within a Team, but when I get to 20, it won't let me add any more. Is this a "thing" or is there a way around it? (As an aside, at the moment, it's not even giving me the option to assign the assignment to anyone except "All Students"). Thanks in advance. sarah712Views0likes0CommentsBug in assignment due date, MS Teams Windows
There is a bug in MS Teams desktop windows related to the Assignment. I don't know why the assignment schedule is based on the timezone of the respective operating systems. Students can easily change the time on their computer in the Windows setting and bypass the assignment deadline. Sometimes, the time on their computer is quite earlier than the normal standard time, so the deadline for their assignment has passed and students can't submit it, even though the deadline has not passed on the other computer.312Views0likes0CommentsAssignmentanswers in Teams can be read by everyone
It turns out that the Excel-file that is generated for me to view the results of a Forms-test, given as an assignment in Teams, is placed in the Teams-library where Teams-members are granted editing rights by default. This, not only makes it possible for every Team-member, my students, to see everyone's result, but also to edit the answers. I know it is possible to alter the rights given to this library, but I don't like the idea of instructing every teacher in our school to do this. This Excel-file should NOT be placed in this library, but rather in my personal OneDrive as it is if I don't use the assignement-tool in Teams. Is there a way someone in Microsoft can fix this? Please? Best regards OddgeirDownload the submitted files related to an assignment
Some teachers still wants to evaluate a printed document and not just the digital one. I know they can download submitted files from the sharepoint-repository, but then they have to go through so many folders. Is there a way to download say, all word-documents submitted on the assignment "Whatever the assignment they where given"? So browsing the folders by assignment instead of by student I guess. Does anyone know? Regards Oddgeir