Azure Event Hub
19 TopicsCannot see any events in Event Hub Data Explorer
Hi, I am learning Azure Event Hub. I had created an Event Hub Namespace and Event Hub. I am using Data Explorer to send some events. But whenever I click View Events button nothing is showing. I am using admin account so I guess there should be no access related issue. I am sending events through Send events button. Once the event send notification is received I click View events button. I have only default Consumer group. I connected this Event Hub to MS Fabric Event Stream and data was showing there. Would like any suggestions to solve this issue or any steps to try out.Solved150Views0likes4CommentsAzure Logic Apps : HTTP Request OR Custom Connector
Hello, As far as I know, We use HTTP requests while consuming the First-party/third-party API, then when should we use a custom connector? What are those business cases where one should use an HTTP request in PowerAutomate and use in PowerApps Or use a custom connector and use in PowerApps and Power Automate? What are the pros and cons of HTTP Request OR Custom Connector? Thanks and Regards, -Sri621Views0likes1CommentSSL/TLS connection issue troubleshooting guide
You may experience exceptions or errors when establishing TLS connections with Azure services. Exceptions are vary dramatically depending on the client and server types. A typical ones such as "Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel." "SSL Handshake Failed", etc. In this article we will discuss common causes of TLS related issue and troubleshooting steps.38KViews9likes1CommentUnable to delete Azure EventHub Cluster/Namespace/Entity/ConsumerGroup from Portal/ PowerShell/ CLI
Issue: Unable to delete Azure EventHub Cluster/Namespace/ Entity from Portal/ PowerShell/ CLI. Case 1: When EventHub tier is Premium and you are unable to delete Azure EventHub namespace and getting conflict operation error 409. Sample error message : "statusMessage":"{\"error\":{\"code\":\"Conflict\",\"message\":\"Namespace provisioning in transition. For more information visit Reason: The reason for stuck state of EventHub namespace or its provisioning failure is due to a known race condition which initiates between two or more internal microservices from premium EventHub architecture from different namespaces. If we trigger a Premium namespace provisioning and an event hub creation right after that then this race condition initiates and both provisioning may fail and the runtime creation will fail with internal server error 500. Recommendation: It is recommended to not perform back to back create operation on EventHub until the first EventHub namespace is not created successfully and if you want to delete the namespace just after its creation then it is recommended that the operation should be performed after 1 hour of its created time. Action to be taken: In such situation where your EventHub is stuck in activating/ Deleting state, raise support request with Microsoft to fix the state of namespace and to bring it in active state. Case 2: While deleting EventHub you have received a conflict error 409 but it's not a Premium EventHub. Reason: The reason for this conflict error could be due to any pending operations executing in the backend associated with the EventHub components and you might be trying to delete the EventHub while its execution is not completed. Recommendation and Action to be taken: In such situation, wait for some time to finish the pending operations on EventHub or its component and then retry after sometime. Case 3: Getting successful message on deletion of EventHub entity within a namespace but after sometime it is recreating and reappearing on portal. Reason: The recreation of entities in namespace could be due to any diagnostics settings enabled against the namespace entity or the Application insights might be using the EventHub entity and so Azure Monitor resource provider could be recreating the EventHub. Action to be taken: In such case, Please follow the below steps: Check if the entity is operational using PowerShell/ CLI. You may test using any Get command, example - Get-AzEventhub If the EventHub is recreated, check the content of EventHub. You can check the content either by Processing Data option on EventHub control pane on portal or by using Service Bus explorer tool. Once you see any content or record in EventHub entity, then identify the resource ID which is sending the events to that EventHub by looking at content data. Go to that resource from Azure portal and disable the diagnostic settings or application Insight settings which is using the EH entity. Recommendation: If you want to delete the EventHub entity or namespace, you should check whether none of the resource from this document are streaming logs to EventHub. Case 4: When you have deleted the EventHub and all operations on the deleted EventHub entity are failing but it is still showing on Portal Reason: The reason why we are still seeing a non-operational and deleted EventHub could be due to its stale entry in ARM cache Action to be taken: In such case, Please follow the below steps: Check if the entity is operational using PowerShell/ CLI. You may test using any Get command, example - Get-AzEventhub If the operation is failing with error code 404 i.e. entity not found, but it is still showing on portal then raise a support ticket with Microsoft to perform the synchronize operation on ARM cache of resource. Case 5: When you are unable to delete Kafka enabled EventHub topic. Reason: One of the reason why you are still seeing the Kafka enabled EventHub topic after its deletion could be because the Kafka producer keeps re-creating the EventHub due to Auto topic creation is ON by default. Action to be taken: Check the activity logs to make sure that you see the deleted operation. Set the Auto topic creation property as OFF. Recommendation: You can either stop the Kafka producers or pick another EventHub name. Case 6: Unable to delete Dedicated Event hub cluster and getting error message "BadRequest" Reason: It is known issue that a dedicated EventHub Cluster cannot be deleted until four hours after its creation time. Recommendation and Action to be taken: Please rerun this operation after that time has elapsed, or contact EventHub team through a support request if the cluster is stuck in a particular state. Details to be included in support ticket should be resource ID, correlation ID of operation and timestamp of issue.6.3KViews4likes4Comments[Eventhub] How to receive diagnostic log from Storage Accounts on different Subscriptions to EH
“I would like to have a centralized EventHub receiving logs from Storage Accounts on different Subscriptions.” Gathering different Storage Account’s Diagnostic Log from a different Subscription to one single EventHub.4.4KViews1like0Comments[EventHub] The behavior of EPH SDK behavior of Epoch
Are you seeing logs where Epoch ‘0’ is getting disconnected? Does your consumer group consist of numerous consumers but only one partition? If so, this article will help you understand why you are getting such informative logs. "...current receiver '<RECEIVER_NAME>' with epoch '0' is getting disconnected"5.3KViews2likes0CommentsCustom DNS server issues while connecting from Databricks to Event Hub
Scenario: You have an Event hub which receives events from Databricks. Suddenly, you observe that after receiving few messages, you encounter below error: AMQPConnectionError: Unable to open authentication session on connection b'EHProducer-xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'. Please confirm target hostname exists: b'' You start Wondering! May be your Event Hub namespace doesn’t exist or someone has deleted accidentally. You navigate to Azure portal and check Event Hub namespace exists and even you were continuously receiving messages in Event Hubs. Then what could be the reason for the above error to be encountered? Root Cause: Connectivity Issue prevailed while connecting Data Bricks to Event Hub. This happens while you have a custom DNS Server in Databricks. It is basically used in all PAAS services where Custom DNS Server has been used. IP address is a virtual public IP address that is used to facilitate a communication channel to Azure platform resources. More about this Special IP address: - This special public IP address is owned by Microsoft and will not change. As mentioned in this article we recommend that you allow this IP address in any local (in the VM) firewall policies (outbound direction). The communication between this special IP address and the resources is safe because only the internal Azure platform can source a message from this IP address. If this address is blocked, unexpected behavior can occur in a variety of scenarios. is a virtual IP of the host node and as such it is not subject to user defined routes. Wire Server IP plays a important role in DHCP and DNS. This IP is also used for DNS resolution. Any Azure resources like Storage Account, Cosmos DB, Event Hubs or VM, VMSS and App Services will have a FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Namespace). Each of these FQDN will be hosting the Domain names and A records at the backend server. These can be probed once you forward the request to the Wire Server IP It acts as any cast IP in the Azure backbone. Custom DNS Server ( doesn’t own any of the FQDN’s that is managed by Azure. So basically, any Azure IAAS or PAAS services will need this Wire Server IP to connect from Custom DNS server ( to connect with any IAAS or PAAS services. How to Mitigate this behavior- So, in this scenario, Databricks, which is integrated with VNET had a Custom DNS Server. DNS server will forward the requests to Wire Server IP to Azure PAAS resolution, in this case is Event hub from which Databricks is receiving the Events. Steps needed to add your DNS servers: In the Azure Portal, please open the VNET where the Databricks service is injected in. Open the tab DNS Server. Add the IP in the IP address (Add DNS server) Click on Save Button.6.9KViews0likes0Comments[EventHub] Types of Throttling Errors and how to mitigate it
Are you getting 50002 Error or 50008 Error return code in your EventHub? If that’s the case, you are in the right place. In this documentation, we will go through what these two return codes are and how to prevent your EventHub to throttle.9.2KViews2likes0CommentsCommon causes of SSL/TLS connection issues and solutions
In the TLS connection common causes and troubleshooting guide ( and TLS connection common causes and troubleshooting guide (, the mechanism of establishing SSL/TLS and tools to troubleshoot SSL/TLS connection were introduced. In this article, I would like to introduce 3 common issues that may occur when establishing SSL/TLS connection and corresponding solutions for windows, Linux, .NET and Java. TLS version mismatch Cipher suite mismatch TLS certificate is not trusted TLS version mismatch Before we jump into solutions, let me introduce how TLS version is determined. As the dataflow introduced in the first session(, TLS connection is always started from client end, so it is client proposes a TLS version and server only finds out if server itself supports the client's TLS version. If the server supports the TLS version, then they can continue the conversation, if server does not support, the conversation is ended. Detection You may test with the tools introduced in this blog(TLS connection common causes and troubleshooting guide ( to verify if TLS connection issue was caused by TLS version mismatch. If capturing network packet, you can also view TLS version specified in Client Hello. If connection terminated without Server Hello, it could be either TLS version mismatch or Ciphersuite mismatch. Solution Different types of clients have their own mechanism to determine TLS version. For example, Web browsers - IE, Edge, Chrome, Firefox have their own set of TLS versions. Applications have their own library to define TLS version. Operating system level like windows also supports to define TLS version. Web browser In the latest Edge and Chrome, TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1 are deprecated. TLS 1.2 is the default TLS version for these 2 browsers. Below are the steps of setting TLS version in Internet Explorer and Firefox and are working in Window 10. Internet Explorer Search Internet Options Find the setting in the Advanced tab. Firefox Open Firefox, type about:config in the address bar. Type tls in the search bar, find the setting of security.tls.version.min and security.tls.version.max. The value is the range of supported tls version. 1 is for tls 1.0, 2 is for tls 1.1, 3 is for tls 1.2, 4 is for tls 1.3. Windows System Different windows OS versions have different default TLS versions. The default TLS version can be override by adding/editing DWORD registry values ‘Enabled’ and ‘DisabledByDefault’. These registry values are configured separately for the protocol client and server roles under the registry subkeys named using the following format: <SSL/TLS/DTLS> <major version number>.<minor version number><Client\Server> For example, below is the registry paths with version-specific subkeys: Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\SCHANNEL\Protocols\TLS 1.2\Client For the details, please refer to Transport Layer Security (TLS) registry settings | Microsoft Learn. Application that running with .NET framework The application uses OS level configuration by default. For a quick test for http requests, you can add the below line to specify the TLS version in your application before TLS connection is established. To be on a safer end, you may define it in the beginning of the project. ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls12 Above can be used as a quick test to verify the problem, it is always recommended to follow below document for best practices. Java Application For the Java application which uses Apache HttpClient to communicate with HTTP server, you may check link How to Set TLS Version in Apache HttpClient | Baeldung about how to set TLS version in code. Cipher suite mismatch Like TLS version mismatch, CipherSuite mismatch can also be tested with the tools that introduced in previous article. Detection In the network packet, the connection is terminated after Client Hello, so if you do not see a Server Hello packet, that indicates either TLS version mismatch or ciphersuite mismatch. If server is supported public access, you can also test using SSLLab( to detect all supported CipherSuite. Solution From the process of establishing SSL/TLS connections, the server has final decision of choosing which CipherSuite in the communication. Different Windows OS versions support different TLS CipherSuite and priority order. For the supported CipherSuite, please refer to Cipher Suites in TLS/SSL (Schannel SSP) - Win32 apps | Microsoft Learn for details. If a service is hosted in Windows OS. the default order could be override by below group policy to affect the logic of choosing CipherSuite to communicate. The steps are working in the Windows Server 2019. Edit group policy -> Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Network > SSL Configuration Settings -> SSL Cipher Suite Order. Enable the configured with the priority list for all cipher suites you want. The CipherSuites can be manipulated by command as well. Please refer to TLS Module | Microsoft Learn for details. TLS certificate is not trusted Detection Access the url from web browser. It does not matter if the page can be loaded or not. Before loading anything from the remote server, web browser tries to establish TLS connection. If you see the error below returned, it means certificate is not trusted on current machine. Solution To resolve this issue, we need to add the CA certificate into client trusted root store. The CA certificate can be got from web browser. Click warning icon -> the warning of ‘isn’t secure’ in the browser. Click ‘show certificate’ button. Export the certificate. Import the exported crt file into client system. Windows Manage computer certificates. Trusted Root Certification Authorities -> Certificates -> All Tasks -> Import. Select the exported crt file with other default setting. Ubuntu Below command is used to check current trust CA information in the system. awk -v cmd='openssl x509 -noout -subject' ' /BEGIN/{close(cmd)};{print | cmd}' < /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt If you did not see desired CA in the result, the commands below are used to add new CA certificates. $ sudo cp <exported crt file> /usr/local/share/ca-certificates $ sudo update-ca-certificates RedHat/CentOS Below command is used to check current trust CA information in the system. awk -v cmd='openssl x509 -noout -subject' ' /BEGIN/{close(cmd)};{print | cmd}' < /etc/pki/ca-trust/extracted/pem/tls-ca-bundle.pem If you did not see desired CA in the result, the commands below are used to add new CA certificates. sudo cp <exported crt file> /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/ sudo update-ca-trust Java The JVM uses a trust store which contains certificates of well-known certification authorities. The trust store on the machine may not contain the new certificates that we recently started using. If this is the case, then the Java application would receive SSL failures when trying to access the storage endpoint. The errors would look like the following: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target at org.example.App.main( Caused by: PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target at java.base/ at java.base/ at java.base/ at java.base/ Run the below command to import the crt file to JVM cert store. The command is working in the JDK 19.0.2. keytool -importcert -alias <alias> -keystore "<JAVA_HOME>/lib/security/cacerts" -storepass changeit -file <crt_file> Below command is used to export current certificates information in the JVM cert store. keytool -keystore " <JAVA_HOME>\lib\security\cacerts" -list -storepass changeit > cert.txt The certificate will be displayed in the cert.txt file if it was imported successfully.42KViews4likes0CommentsAzure Data Factory trigger is not initiated when uploading a file using Java SDK
Uploading file using Java SDK class DataLakeFileClient does not initiate an ADF trigger despite configuring the ADF trigger correctly to be initiated once a new file is created. This is happening only when the trigger is configured to ignore 0 byte blobs.4KViews7likes0Comments