Azure Virtual Desktop
37 TopicsGolden image VM fails to intune enrolment. AVD Hostpool VMs Not Enrolling in Intune
Hi Team, I need some assistance. I’m trying to create a golden image for a VM in AVD hostpool, I observed provisioned VMs from this image are not enrolling in Intune. Here are the steps I followed: Created an Azure VM Installed and prepared the required software Disabled BitLocker (as recommended for Sysprep) Ran Sysprep Captured the VM image, saved it, and deleted the VM The VMs created using this image are successfully joined to Entra ID, and I am able to log in. However, the hostpool VMs are not enrolling in Intune while creating hostpool and creating VMs. Am I missing any Group Policy settings or registry configurations related to Intune auto-enrollment before running Sysprep? Do I need to install any extensions, add-ons, or tools before running Sysprep? Thank you! VCSolved153Views0likes1CommentUpdate to Microsoft Desktop Virtualization API v. 2023-09-05 by August 2, 2024 to avoid any impact
[Recommended actions updated on July 29, 2024] WARNING! Be mindful when using secrets in deployment templates and follow Azure best practices when managing secrets. Our examples in this discussion post are to be used for educational purposes only. Older Microsoft Desktop Virtualization API version(s) utilized for your Azure Virtual Desktop host pool resource will no longer support ‘get’ actions for registration token retrieval as of August 2nd, 2024. The affected API versions are as follows: 2019-01-23-preview 2019-09-24-preview 2019-12-10-preview 2020-09-21-preview 2020-11-02-preview 2020-11-10-preview 2021-01-14-preview On August 2nd, 2024, these affected API versions will no longer support the retrieval of the registration token. Users on older versions will not be able to use the 'get' action to retrieve the token. However, with the newer versions, there are two ways for customers to retrieve registration tokens moving forward: [Recommended] Using list* resource functions: Microsoft.DesktopVirtualization/hostpools resources now expose a listRegistrationTokens() function. This works if you already have valid registration tokens on your host pool and you want to retrieve them from an existing host pool. Using a 'post' action to securely retrieve the token AZ CLI: az desktopvirtualization hostpool retrieve-registration-token - az desktopvirtualization hostpool | Microsoft Learn REST: Host Pools - Retrieve Registration Token - REST API (Azure Desktop Virtualization) | Microsoft Learn AZ PowerShell: Get-AzWvdHostPoolRegistrationToken (Az.DesktopVirtualization) | Microsoft Learn Action Required Review any workflows you may have that rely on readers retrieving access tokens and update them to extract the registration tokens for a host pool in a new way. Ensure you are using up to date versions of the Microsoft Desktop Virtualization API. To take action, here are examples of how to extract the registration tokens for a host pool and update to the 2023-09-05 API version using Bicep and ARM templates. WARNING! Be mindful when using secrets in deployment templates and follow Azure best practices when managing secrets. Our examples in this discussion post are to be used for educational purposes only. [Recommended] Take action using list* resource functions This solution works if you already have valid registration tokens on your host pool and you want to retrieve them from an existing host pool. If you are using Bicep templates in your deployment: @sys.description('AVD Host Pool resource ID. (Default: )') param hostPoolResourceId string var varHostpoolSubId = split(hostPoolResourceId, '/')[2] var varHostpoolRgName = split(hostPoolResourceId, '/')[4] var varHostPoolName = split(hostPoolResourceId, '/')[8] // GET hostpool resource hostPoolGet 'Microsoft.DesktopVirtualization/hostPools@2023-09-05' existing = { name: varHostPoolName scope: resourceGroup('${varHostpoolSubId}', '${varHostpoolRgName}') } @sys.description('The registration token of the host pool. This is not secure! Only for educational/testing purposes. Please follow security practices @ ') output registrationToken array = hostPoolGet.listRegistrationTokens() If you are using ARM templates in your deployment: { "$schema": "", "contentVersion": "", "metadata": { "_generator": { "name": "bicep", "version": "", "templateHash": "2750874554099795062" } }, "parameters": { "hostPoolResourceId": { "type": "string", "metadata": { "description": "AVD Host Pool resource ID. (Default: )" } } }, "variables": { "varHostpoolSubId": "[split(parameters('hostPoolResourceId'), '/')[2]]", "varHostpoolRgName": "[split(parameters('hostPoolResourceId'), '/')[4]]", "varHostPoolName": "[split(parameters('hostPoolResourceId'), '/')[8]]" }, "resources": [], "outputs": { "registrationToken": { "type": "array", "metadata": { "description": "The registration token of the host pool. This is not secure! Only for educational/ testing purposes. Please follow security practices @ " }, "value": "[listRegistrationTokens(extensionResourceId(format('/subscriptions/{0}/resourceGroups/{1}', format('{0}', variables('varHostpoolSubId')), format('{0}', variables('varHostpoolRgName'))), 'Microsoft.DesktopVirtualization/hostPools', variables('varHostPoolName')), '2023-09-05')]" } } } Other ways to take action One alternative is to always (re)create your host pool, which in turn will re-generate registration tokens that can then be retrieved using the PUT operation. If you are using Bicep templates in your deployment... Use the retrieveToken.bicep module to retrieve the registration token from a host pool by using a PUT operation: @sys.description('Optional. Host Pool token validity length. Usage: \'PT8H\' - valid for 8 hours; \'P5D\' - valid for 5 days; \'P1Y\' - valid for 1 year. When not provided, the token will be valid for 8 hours.') param tokenValidityLength string = 'PT8H' @sys.description('Generated. Do not provide a value! This date value is used to generate a registration token.') param baseTime string = utcNow('u') param vLocation string param vHostPoolName string param vHostPoolType string param vPreferredAppGroupType string param vMaxSessionLimit int param vLoadBalancerType string resource hostPool 'Microsoft.DesktopVirtualization/hostPools@2023-09-05' = { name: vHostPoolName location: vLocation properties: { hostPoolType: vHostPoolType preferredAppGroupType: vPreferredAppGroupType maxSessionLimit: vMaxSessionLimit loadBalancerType: vLoadBalancerType registrationInfo: { expirationTime: dateTimeAdd(baseTime, tokenValidityLength) registrationTokenOperation: 'Update' } } } @sys.description('The registration token of the host pool.') output registrationToken string = reference( Here's an example of using the retrieveToken.bicep module to extract the registration token: @sys.description('AVD Host Pool resource ID. (Default: )') param hostPoolResourceId string var varHostpoolSubId = split(hostPoolResourceId, '/')[2] var varHostpoolRgName = split(hostPoolResourceId, '/')[4] var varHostPoolName = split(hostPoolResourceId, '/')[8] // Call on the hostpool resource hostPoolGet 'Microsoft.DesktopVirtualization/hostPools@2023-09-05' existing = { name: varHostPoolName scope: resourceGroup('${varHostpoolSubId}', '${varHostpoolRgName}') } module hostPool 'retrieveToken.bicep' = { name: varHostPoolName scope: resourceGroup('${varHostpoolSubId}', '${varHostpoolRgName}') params: { vHostPoolName: varHostPoolName vMaxSessionLimit: vPreferredAppGroupType: vHostPoolType: vLoadBalancerType: vLocation: hostPoolGet.location } } @sys.description('The registration token of the host pool.') output registrationToken string = hostPool.outputs.registrationToken If you are using ARM templates in your deployment: { "$schema": "", "contentVersion": "", "metadata": { "_generator": { "name": "bicep", "version": "", "templateHash": "15215789985349638425" } }, "parameters": { "hostPoolName": { "type": "string" }, "location": { "type": "string" }, "baseTime": { "type": "string", "defaultValue": "[utcNow('u')]" } }, "variables": { "expirationTime": "[dateTimeAdd(parameters('baseTime'), 'PT1H1M')]" }, "resources": [ { "type": "Microsoft.DesktopVirtualization/hostPools", "apiVersion": "2023-09-05", "name": "[parameters('hostPoolName')]", "location": "[parameters('location')]", "properties": { "maxSessionLimit": 2, "hostPoolType": "Personal", "loadBalancerType": "Persistent", "preferredAppGroupType": "Desktop", "registrationInfo": { "expirationTime": "[variables('expirationTime')]", "registrationTokenOperation": "Update" } } } ], "outputs": { "token": { "type": "string", "value": "[reference(resourceId('Microsoft.DesktopVirtualization/hostPools', parameters('hostPoolName'))).registrationInfo.token]" } } } WARNING! Be mindful when using secrets in deployment templates and follow Azure best practices when managing secrets. Our examples in this discussion post are to be used for educational purposes only. Additional Support If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about this, please feel free to post a comment.6.4KViews0likes11CommentsConditional Access per HostPool or RDP properties conditional on clients
Good day all, I am struggling with the RDP properties of our different host pools. Corporate policy states that nothing should be able to be redirected from the local device. Which is fine and for the Full Desktop publishing we have configured this so on the host pool in RDP properties. However, now we have a separate host pool for a remote app. This remote I would only like to be able to connect to from the desktop host pool (nested) and not from the local device. As this is a Remote App the users need to interact with this application with the clipboard. So I want to know if there is a method, and if not, request a feature to make this possible. With kind regards,2.2KViews1like3CommentsProcess to use customise URL
I am looking for a procedure to be able to use URL redirection from a personalized address ( to the base address used by Azure Virtual Desktop Client web Bureau à distance ( If anyone can provide a process using FunctionApp or Azure Front Door you're welcome 🙂654Views0likes2CommentsAuthentication issue when trying to sign into Azure Virtual Desktop VM.
I am having an issue when trying to sign in to a VM I have created on Azure using AVD. It prompts for my Microsoft Password which I enter. It will then start connecting and then prompt for my password. It seems to repeat this and will continue doing this. I have turned MFA and it is still doing this. I have assigned a different User to the VM and it works fine. This has happened to 2 different accounts and I cant seem to find anything on how to resolve the issue. I have attached a video of what it is doing. Could someone please help or suggest something to fix this. bandicam 2023-10-09 09-05-26-198.mp4726Views0likes1CommentSharePoint sync access from Windows Explorer in Published App
Hi, We have published apps and full desktop available to our users within the host pool. When the user sets up sync from SharePoint it is accessible from within Great Plains on the full desktop but the user cannot access it when accessing the Great Plains as a published app. Is there anything that can be done to make the user experience the same across the board? Thanks637Views0likes1CommentAzure Virtual Desktop deployment error: resource write operation failed to complete successfully
I have tried to deploy Azure Virtual Desktop several times and it has failed every time, with the same error message: "write operation failed to complete successfully, because it reached terminal provisioning state 'Failed'." Details: "The resource write operation failed to complete successfully, because it reached terminal provisioning state 'Failed'. (Code: ResourceDeploymentFailure, Target: /subscriptions/b38d7f27-415a-4877-a594-ff5e4877c8d3/resourceGroups/AVD-Resource-Group-Prefix-deployment/providers/Microsoft.Resources/deployments/easy-button-inputvalidation-job-linked-template)" I've tried using my work/Microsoft 365 Account, and using two different personal accounts, I thought the issue could be billing related, but even when there is $200 in available credit in a new/trial account, it still happens. I've seen suggested elsewhere that this may be due to Azure Policy restrictions, but there are none, at least no non-default policies, and if the default policies restrict creation of Azure Virtual Desktop environments, that should be changed, and at minimum, users/admins should be informed if that is what is preventing them from being deployed, and be given the option to change them. The bottom line is that this is absurd that Azure Virtual Desktop fails by default for multiple accounts, and it needs to be fixed, even if my personal deployment issue can be resolved by jumping through hoops. Please, let me know what hoops I need to jump through to get this to work for now.22KViews1like6CommentsBlack screen after entering subscription url in remote desktop client to connect Azure VDI
facing black screen issue attached all snapshots in the link Virtual Desktop (AVD) | Scaling plans and Autoscaling
Just notice that I have a new tab under my AVD Portal for Scaling Plan. Before I just explore it, I checked Microsoft DOCs to understand the new feature and see how I can enable it, but I didn't find any relevant info even when I google it I end up with the same result... did I stop here.. Absolutely not, created a temp host pool and followed the wizard to enable and configure the new feature and here is my test result AVD Scaling plans Autoscaling is a demanded feature and has been waiting for so long, we used to automatically scale host sessions using PowerShell scripts and Azure Automation, but it was long and complicated procedures involving a lot of components, Now with AVD Scaling plans you can define ramp-up hours, peak hours, ramp-down hours, and off-peak hours for weekdays and specify autoscaling triggers. but you can only add one schedule per day and a Scaling plan must include an associated schedule for at least one day of the week. Requirements Create a Custom RBAC role Assign the custom role to Windows Virtual Desktop App Create a Custom RBAC role Open a subscription or resource group Click on Access control (IAM) Click on Add Custom role Click on JSON Tab Click on Edit Tab Past the following JSON template { "properties": { "roleName": "Autoscale", "description": "Friendly description.", "assignableScopes": [ "/subscriptions/<SubscriptionID>" ], "permissions": [ { "actions": [ "Microsoft.Insights/eventtypes/values/read", "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/deallocate/action", "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/restart/action", "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/powerOff/action", "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/start/action", "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/read", "Microsoft.DesktopVirtualization/hostpools/read", "Microsoft.DesktopVirtualization/hostpools/write", "Microsoft.DesktopVirtualization/hostpools/sessionhosts/read", "Microsoft.DesktopVirtualization/hostpools/sessionhosts/write", "Microsoft.DesktopVirtualization/hostpools/sessionhosts/usersessions/delete", "Microsoft.DesktopVirtualization/hostpools/sessionhosts/usersessions/read", "Microsoft.DesktopVirtualization/hostpools/sessionhosts/usersessions/sendMessage/action", "Microsoft.DesktopVirtualization/hostpools/sessionhosts/usersessions/read" ], "notActions": [], "dataActions": [], "notDataActions": [] } ] } } Change <SubscriptionID> with your SubscriptionID Save the template Click Review + Create. Last, Click Create. Assign the custom role to Windows Virtual Desktop App: Open a subscription or resource group Click on Access control (IAM) Select Add role assignments. Select the role you just created (AutoScale) Next, Click on Select members In the search bar, enter and select Windows Virtual Desktop, as shown in the following screenshot. Last, Click Review + Assign. Create a scaling plan As usual, we have to select Subscription, Resource Group, Name, and Location for the new resource. Time Zone is important as the whole Autoscaling activity will be triggered and executed to Start/Stop host sessions based on the time zone you select here. Next, you have to add a new Schedule and specify the Repeats on Start time: you have to Enter a start time for the scaling plan, the specified time will be also the end time for off-peak hours. Load-balancing algorithm: as you are going to use Autoscaling so the Depth-first load balancing option would be more relevant to your needs as its distributing the new user sessions to the available session host with the highest number of connections but has not reached its maximum session limit threshold which leads to minimizing the number of powered host sessions. Minimum percentage of session hosts: Specify the minimum percentage of session hosts to start for ramp-up and peak hours, the percentage is based on the total number of session hosts in your host pool, so if the host pool includes 10 VMs and the percentage is 20% as in the above image, autoscale will ensure a minimum of 2 session host is available to take user connections. Capacity threshold (%): This percentage evaluates whether to turn on/off VMs during the ramp-up and peak hours. So if your total host pool capacity is 100 sessions, and you specify a 60% Capacity threshold, once you exceed it, then autoscale will turn on additional session hosts. As you can see the below step is almost the same as the previous one, so just to clarify the difference: Peak hours and Ramp-up: Usually, every application has its own peak hours where concurrent users tend to increase slowly before the start of peak time. same for AVD users start getting in slowing to the host sessions and at a specific time most of the users will start hitting the services (this is the peak hour) Start time: Enter a start time for the scaling plan to reduce the number of virtual machines prior to the off-peak or non-business hours. This is also the end time for peak hours. Load-balancing algorithm: as you are going to use Autoscaling so the Depth-first load balancing option would be more relevant to your needs as its distributing the new user sessions to the available session host with the highest number of connections but has not reached its maximum session limit threshold which leads to minimizing the number of powered host sessions. Minimum percentage of session hosts: Specify the minimum percentage of session hosts to start for ramp-down and off-peak hours, the percentage is based on the total number of session hosts in your host pool, so if the host pool includes 10 VMs and the percentage is 10% as in the below image, autoscale will ensure a minimum of 1 session host is available to take user connections. Capacity threshold (%): This percentage evaluates whether to turn on/off VMs during the ramp-down and off-peak hours. So if your total host pool capacity is 100 sessions, and you specify a 90% Capacity threshold, once you exceed it, then autoscale will turn on additional session hosts. Delay time before logging out users and shutting down VMs (min): This option will set the session host VMs to drain mode, notify any currently signed-in users to save their work, and wait the configured amount of time before forcing the users to log off. Once all user sessions on the session host VM have been logged off, Autoscale will shut down the VM. Notification message: As shown in the above image you can set your message to be pushed for your end-users to log off. Start time (24-hour system): This is the start time for off-peak or non-business hours. This is also the end time for ramp-down. Then Create.. In the next step, we have to assign the host pool that we will apply this schedule on, scaling plan can be assigned to any number of host pools. Review and Create.. --- Testing And Validation After a few minutes of creating the scaling plan.. Jump to the running AVD virtual machine and check the activity log, you should get an activity stating that the VM was started and this event initiated by WindowsVirtal Desktop App.Solved48KViews3likes56Comments